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The Scope of Research Orientation and Brief account of the Characteristic
1 | 節能型電力傳動技術與控制 Energy saving typed power transmission technology and control | 交流電機(高壓)變頻控制、矢量控制,直接轉矩控制,軟起動控制;開關磁阻電機驅動與控制;直線電機及其控制,伺服電機及其應用 AC motor (high voltage) variable frequency control; vector control, direct torque control; soft start control ;switched reluctance motor control; straight line motor and its control, servomotor and its application |
2 | 電力傳動系統的計算機控制技術與仿真 Computer control technology and simulation of power transmission system | 計算機控制系統設計,參數辯識、智能控制技術的應用,單片機、ARM、FPGA、DSP、PC工業控制機的應用技術,傳動系統CAD、PISPICE、MATLAB、SABER、MAXWELL2D/3D及相關仿真軟件應用 Design of computer control system, application of parameter distinguishing and intelligence control technology, application technology of single-chip microcomputer, ARM、FPGA、DSP, PC industry control machine system CAD, PISPICE, MATLAB, SABER、MAXWELL2D/3D and their software application. |
3 | 電動汽車與電動自行車技術 Electric automobile and electric bike technology | 電動汽車與電動自行車的電力驅動技術、變頻變壓轉換技術、電池管理技術 Technology research of electric power drive of electric automobile and electric bike, technologies of varied voltage and varied frequency, battery administration technology and so on. |
4 | 電力系統自動化技術 Automation of power systems | 電力系統分析、運行及其控制、繼電保護與自動化裝置等 Power System Analysis,operation and control of power system,relay protection and automatic transmission equipments in power system |
5 | 智能電器理論及應用 The theory and application of intelligent electrical apparatus | 研究開關電器在線監測,電氣的智能化和信息化 The study on the supervisor of the switch apparatus; The intelligentization and information of the electrical apparatus |
6 | 電機電器檢測技術 The detection technology of electrical machine and apparatus | 電機電器參數的在線識別 The identification of the parameters of electrical machines and apparatus on line |
7 | 現代永磁電機理論及控制技術 The theory and control technology of the modern permanent magnet machine | 現代永磁電機理論與設計,現代永磁電機的控制理論與控制技術的研究 The theory and design of the modern permanent magnet machine; The control theory and technology of the modern permanent magnet machine |
8 | 電接觸理論及其在礦山中的應用 Application of Electrical contact theory in mines | 針對煤炭領域內的防爆電機與電氣及其控制技術,及井下配電開關的特殊要求,通過對觸點的電接觸性能的研究,研制礦用開關及智能化隔爆饋電開關。 Study on the explosion proof motor and its control technology in mines and special requirements for optimal switch device to develop the switch applied in coal mine and the intelligent flameproof feed vacuum switch based on the Electric property of electric contact |
9 | 開關電源中平面集成磁技術設計理論 Study on the design theory of flat integrate magnetism in switch power. | 對定子帶極靴式開關磁阻電機的轉矩脈動、非線性分析理論、正常及事故運行時的動態性能和暫態過程進行研究。在平面變壓器和集成磁件的相關理論基礎上,深入研究平面集成磁技術。 Study on the theory about the Pole-stator Switched Reluctance motor of the torque ripple, the nonlinear theory, the dynamic performance in normal or accident and the transient procedure. |