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本篇時文閱讀來自英國《金融時報》,原文標題為《強硬歐元區仍給予希臘最后機會》Unyielding eurozone gives Athens last chance。大家應該會留意到,在很多經濟報道中希臘頻繁出現在頭版位置,那么希臘到底怎么了?這是我們2016考研學子需要關注的考研英語經濟話題。本年初,歐央行宣布將暫停希臘國債作為抵押品可享有的信用評級豁免權,這意味著希臘銀行將無法通過抵押希臘債券獲得歐洲央行的緊急流動性。這就造成了之后的歐元大幅下挫,使希臘國債成為垃圾評級。在這種情境下,希臘該怎樣獲得救贖?來看下面這篇文章:
Athens will be given a final chance to present a new reform plan to eurozone leaders on Tuesday night despite a hardening attitude to Greece in many capitals after theemphatic rejection of previous bailout terms in Sunday’s referendum.雅典將被給予在周二晚向歐元區領導人提交新的改革計劃的最后機會,盡管在希臘周日公投明確拒絕早先的紓困條款后,許多國家政府對希臘的態度轉為強硬。
But eurozone officials said leaders were unlikely to agree to restart rescue talks to keep Greece in the currency union at a hastily-convened summit in Brussels despite the Greek overture.但歐元區官員表示,盡管希臘擺出合作姿態,但在匆忙安排的布魯塞爾峰會上,各國領導人不太可能同意重啟讓希臘留在歐元區的紓困談判。
The European Central Bank tightened the screw on cash-starved Greek banks on Monday evening when it required them to stump more assets in exchange for emergency loans. It did not reveal the scale of its adjustment to the collateral rules but expects all four of Greece’s largest banks to retain access to the loans. It kept the cap on these loans at a total of €89bn. 周一晚間,歐洲央行(ECB)進一步對亟需現金的希臘銀行施壓,要求它們拿出更多資產來抵押緊急貸款。歐洲央行沒有披露在多大程度上調整了抵押規則,但預計希臘最大的四家銀行仍能獲得貸款。歐洲央行將這些貸款的總額上限保持在890億歐元。
The ECB may have to ask eurozone leaders to guarantee Greek government debt for use as collateral to maintain its liquidity lifeline. Greece’s banks will remain shut until at least Thursday.歐洲央行可能不得不要求歐元區領導人擔保希臘政府債務,使這些債務可以被用來抵押,以保持該國的流動性命脈。至少在周四之前,希臘各銀行將依然關門。
Many officials involved in the talks said there was little willingness to concede on any front, and warned there was not a clear path towards a deal that could avoid a messy default when a €3.5bn bond owed to the ECB comes due in two weeks. “Grexit is on everyone’s lips, but no one is actually saying it,” said one senior official involved in the talks.許多參與談判的官員表示,沒有人愿意在任何方面讓步,他們警告稱,希臘欠歐洲央行的35億歐元將在兩周后到期,目前沒有達成協議、從而避免違約混亂局面的明確路徑。一位參與談判的高級官員表示:“希臘退歐就在每個人的嘴邊,但沒有人真的說出來。”
很多希臘人依然想留在歐元區,但如果想實現這個“困難”的愿望,希臘政府就必須采取措施進行國內改革,因為如果這種情況不改變,債權人將會失去耐心。文都考研建議2016考研考生,要對這個話題充分關注,熟悉相關詞匯,例如:歐元區eurozone;希臘Athens;公投referendum;資產assets;緊急貸款emergency loans等。提高考研英語閱讀理解的能力需要豐厚的積累,不僅要積累詞匯知識,還要積累文化背景知識,如此才能最大限度的消除障礙,提高閱讀水平。為夢想加油,與你同行。