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1. 1 unconventional [ʌn'kәn'venʃәnl]
adj. 非傳統的
【短語精選】: an unconventional approach to a problem打破慣例的處理問題的方法
【真題例句】:The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. 決定辭去高職,在尋找一個更好的職位,很不尋常。(2011 text 2)
2. 3 adhere [әd'hiә]
vi.粘附, 膠著, 堅持;v.堅持
【短語精選】: adhere to neutrality 嚴守中立。
【真題例句】: For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. 多年來,執行官們和獵頭們都堅持這樣一個原則,認為最好的CEO候選人必須是挖來的。(2011 text 2)
3. 11 attractive [ә'træktiv]
adj.吸引人的, 有魅力的
【短語精選】: an attractive personality 有魅力的人格
【真題例句】:The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week.一個富有魅力的媽媽懷抱著可愛的寶寶的雜志封面在這本周不僅僅只是一幀母子照而已。(2011 text 4)
4. 8 candidate ['kændɪdət]
n. 候選人; 應試者, 攻讀學位者; 候補者; 求職應征者
【短語精選】: admit minority candidates 錄取少數民族
【真題例句】: Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan’s and Dr. de waal’s study. 這些品質使得他們成為Brosnan博士和De waal博士的研究的最佳人選。(2005 text 1)
5. 2 poach [pəʊtʃ]
v. 水煮; 隔水燉; 用文火煮; 偷獵; 偷捕; 侵占, 侵犯
【短語精選】:poach in other people's business侵犯別人的領域
【經典例句】:We shall see the computer begin to poach on the preserve of human being. 我們將看到計算機開始侵入本是人類獨有的活動范圍
6. 5 instruct [in'strʌkt]
vt.教, 教導, 命令, 指示, 通知
【詞根記憶】: in(進)+ struct(建筑)→把知識建立進去→指導
【短語精選】: instruct sb. in English 教某人英語
【真題例句】: “I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”“我都想不起來哪次我招人時董事會沒指示我第一時間去找那些在職的CEO的。” (2011 text 2)
7. 6 commodity [kә'mɔditi]
【詞根記憶】:com(共同)+ mod(方式,模式,風度)+ ity(名詞后綴)→有共同模式的東西→商品
【短語精選】: staple commodities 主要商品。
【真題例句】:It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. 她一年之后才當上了一家小網上日用品交易公司的領導。(2011 text 2)
8. 7 recruiter [ri'kru:tər]
征兵人員; 招聘人員
【詞根記憶】:re(再次)+cru(成長)+it(名詞后綴)+ er(表示人的名詞后綴)→讓團隊再次壯大的人→招聘人員
【真題例句】:Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. 許多招聘者說對于許多高層領導來說,過去的恥辱影響力在減退。(2011 text 2)
9. 9 acceptable [әk'septәbl]
adj.可接受的, 合意的
【短語精選】: performances varied from acceptable to excellent.表演有從可接受的到優秀的區別。
【真題例句】:The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. 金融危機使得暫時失業和跳槽更令人接受。(2011 text 2)
10. 2 invert [ɪn''vɜːt]
【詞根記憶】: in(進)+ vert(轉)→轉進去→倒轉,倒置
【短語精選】: invert a glass 把茶杯扣起來。
【真題例句】:“The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,” says one headhunter. “The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”“傳統的規則是呆在原職位不要動更安全,但是現在卻完全相反,”一位獵頭說,“呆在原職位時間越長受到的傷害越大。” (2011 text 2)