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商業行賄 構思點撥 上圖表現的是在“尚方寶劍”嚴懲的威嚴下,一位從事商業賄賂的人落荒而逃。不言而喻,這幅圖反映的是當今一種比較 猖獗的社會現象:商業賄賂。深層次來講,就是道德問題、責任問題。本文的內容和結構安排如下: 第一段:描述圖畫;第二段:從兩個角度分析影響+分析動機;第三段:建議措施。 思維拓展 此類文章可以展開的角度有:金錢觀,商業道德建設、職業道德建設,公平競爭。相似的圖片比比皆是。請參考下圖: 高分范文 There is no doubt that this cartoon vividly depicts a negative but rampant scenario in modern society: commercial bribery. Frightened by the sharp punishment sword, the man, carrying a large pile of money used as bribery①, is trying his best to escape. What is conveyed by the drawing is both realistic and thought-provoking。 The implication of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of the decline of work-moral values and the view on money. For one thing, commercial bribery has a very damaging and destructive② effect on the whole society. Firstly, moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness revealed in the action of bribery③ may stain and pollute the atmosphere of professional ethics and cause others to copy. Secondly, fair competition may be threatened because bribery puts honest businessmen at a disadvantaged position. For another, the bad behavior of commercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money. It is true that money is indispensable④, but, there is no denying that money should be obtained and spent in a reasonable, wise and legitimate way。 To eliminate the immoral behavior of bribery thoroughly⑤, drastic actions should be taken and severe punishment measures should be adopted. Besides, a positive mental guidance on the right attitude to money should be popularized among the public. Only in this way can we have a fair and sound social environment。 佳作妙譯 毫無疑問這幅漫畫生動地描述了現代社會一種負面的但是卻十分猖獗的現象:商業賄賂。由于懼怕嚴厲的懲罰,這個人背著一大堆賄 賂用的錢落荒而逃。漫畫的寓意是十分現實并發人深思的。 上圖的寓意可以理解為詳細闡述了在金錢沖擊下職業道德的淪陷。一方面,商業賄賂對全社會造成惡劣的、毀滅性的影響。首先在賄 賂行為中表現出的道德缺陷和人性弱點會破壞和污染職業道德的氛圍,不良分子也會效仿。其次,行賄者將破壞公平競爭,誠信經營的商人被置于不利地位。 另一方面,商業賄賂行為大多是被利益驅動的,這說明這些人對金錢沒有正確的態度。沒有金錢的確是萬萬不能的,但對待金錢,無疑需要取之有道,用之有 度。 為了徹底根除賄賂這種道德敗壞的行為,應該采取嚴厲的懲罰措施。另外,應該在公眾中逐漸普及正確的金錢觀。只有這樣,我們才 能擁有公平、健全的社會環境。 名師點評 ① money used as bribery: 過去分詞作定語=定語從句。 寫過去分詞做定語的步驟: 第一步:寫成定語從句:money which is used as bribery; 第二步:省略引導詞“which”和be動詞“is”變成money used as bribery。 這樣,一個定語從句就變成了過去分詞做定語。 ② damaging and destructive: 近義詞疊用,押韻:頭韻 ③ revealed in the action of bribery: 過去分詞作定語,修飾前面的moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness ,寫法參考本文點評第① 條。 ④ It is true that money is indispensable: It作形式主語,真正的主語是that從句。 ⑤ To eliminate the immoral behavior of…: 為了……。作目的狀語。