A report from the seamy underworld of unlicensedtour guides
A TERRIBLE threat stalks the streets ofWashington,DC: unlicensed tour guides. These brazenlawbreakers imperil the public by showing them around the nation's capital without a permit.Your correspondent went undercover to observe at first hand the dangers tourists face intheir clutches. It was harrowing. First, your correspondent had to balance on a Segway, atwo-wheeled vehicle from which she could have fallen several inches to the cold, hardpavement. “Just try to relax,” purred Bill Main, the outlaw guide, “It's easy.” With whiteknuckles and a pink helmet, the tour began.
Mr Main never took the exam to become a tour guide, so your correspondent braced herselfto hear a torrent of errors. Would he claim that the White House was once destroyed byaliens, as in the film “Independence Day”? No. Actually, he was pretty good. Yet he could bejailed for 90 days if caught.Washingtonrequires all guides to pay $200 and take an exam. Thatadds up: Segs in the City, the firm Mr Main runs with his wife, Tonia Edwards, employs a dozenguides.
The permit system protects incumbents, raises prices and kills jobs. Mr Main also believes thatit violates his right to free speech. Robert McNamara of the Institute for Justice, a libertarianlaw firm, agrees. “The government cannot restrict speech unless there is evidence the speechis causing harm,” he explains. Tour guide patter hardly qualifies. Mr McNamara helped Segs inthe City file a lawsuit against the city government in 2010. The city won; Mr Main's appealreached a DC federal court on May 5th. The city defends the licence as an essential safeguardfor consumers.
In the 1950s only one American worker in 20 needed a permit from the government; todaythat figure is around one in three. Some jobs, such as doctors, clearly need strict controls.But some states require licences for florists and interior designers. Such permits tend to costhundreds of dollars and months of extra training, yet offer little benefit to consumers, saysMorris Kleiner, an economist at theUniversityofMinnesota. Sometimes customers, likeundercover tourists, can look after themselves.