Black's Law Dictionary, Standard Ninth Edition [精裝] ..
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品牌:West 型號:9780314199492詳情For more than a century Black's has been the gold
standardforthelanguage of law. Today it is the most widely cited
law bookintheworld. Edited by Bryan A. Garner, the world
sleadinglegallexicographer, the 9th Edition is
themostauthoritative,comprehensive law dictionary ever
published.Itcontains more than45,000 terms and includes: 2,000 more
termsthanthe 8th Editionand 19,000 more than the 7th Edition
includingclickfraud, CodeAdam, collaborative law,
ecoterrorism,environmentaltort, friendlysubpoena, happy-slapping,
honor crime,secretdetention, Schumerbox, and super precedent. The
date whenselectedterms were firstused in English-language
contexts,especially injudicial opinions.Heightened accuracy having
more than200 lawyersaround the countryreviewed terms. Definitions
of morethan 1,000law-relatedabbreviations and acronyms. Almost
3,000quotationsdrawn fromsources over five centuries.
Alternatespellings orequivalentexpressions for more than 5,300
terms andWest KeyNumbers.
For more than a century Black's has been the gold standardforthelanguage of law. Today it is the most widely cited law bookintheworld. Edited by Bryan A. Garner, the world sleadinglegallexicographer, the 9th Edition is themostauthoritative,comprehensive law dictionary ever published.Itcontains more than45,000 terms and includes: 2,000 more termsthanthe 8th Editionand 19,000 more than the 7th Edition includingclickfraud, CodeAdam, collaborative law, ecoterrorism,environmentaltort, friendlysubpoena, happy-slapping, honor crime,secretdetention, Schumerbox, and super precedent. The date whenselectedterms were firstused in English-language contexts,especially injudicial opinions.Heightened accuracy having more than200 lawyersaround the countryreviewed terms. Definitions of morethan 1,000law-relatedabbreviations and acronyms. Almost 3,000quotationsdrawn fromsources over five centuries. Alternatespellings orequivalentexpressions for more than 5,300 terms andWest KeyNumbers.
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朗文當代高級英語辭典(英英.英漢雙解)(第四版)(大字版)(配.. | 英國培生教.. | 外語教學與研究出.. | ¥258.00¥193.50 |
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