Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: 8th Edition, CD-ROM with Oxford ..
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品牌:OUP 型號:9780194799027詳情With over 35 million copies sold,
OxfordAdvancedLearner'sDictionary is the world's bestselling
dictionary,andthedictionary teachers and students love to use. ◆NEW
1,000newwordsand meanings covering technology,
lifestyle,slang,theeconomy(carbon trading, citizen journalism,
malware,socialbookmarking,stack it, staycation, X factor). ◆NEW
Oxford 3000plusshowsstudents the most important words to know in
English andthemostimportant meanings of those words. ◆NEW Academic
WordListwordsmarked. ◆NEW 32-page Oxford Writing Tutor
helpsstudentsplan,write and review their written work. ◆NEW
TopicCollocationnotesand synonym information enables students to
extendtheirvocabularyto over 7,500 words. ◆NEW Visual Vocabulary
Builderwithcolourphotos and illustrations. ◆NEW Oxford iWriter
onCD-ROManinteractive tutor to help students plan, write
andreviewtheirwritten work. ◆NEW
Interactivewhiteboard-friendlyCD-ROM.Additional Information NEW
interactivewhiteboard-friendlyCD-ROMincludes: ◆Oxford iWriter an
interactivetutor to helpstudentsplan, write, and review their
written work.◆Thesaurus,CulturalGuide and Word origins integrated
with the A-Zcreate acompletereference tool. ◆Example bank with
1,000s ofextraexamplesentences. ◆Topic vocabulary banks make it
easy to lookupandlearn words used in society and politics,
scienceandtechnology,culture, and education. ◆Help with learning
andteachingdictionaryskills. ◆Exercises to practise and learn
theAcademicWord List.NEW unlimited online access with audio:
◆Accessto thecomplete A-Zdictionary. ◆Hear all headwords
With over 35 million copies sold, OxfordAdvancedLearner'sDictionary is the world's bestselling dictionary,andthedictionary teachers and students love to use. ◆NEW 1,000newwordsand meanings covering technology, lifestyle,slang,theeconomy(carbon trading, citizen journalism, malware,socialbookmarking,stack it, staycation, X factor). ◆NEW Oxford 3000plusshowsstudents the most important words to know in English andthemostimportant meanings of those words. ◆NEW Academic WordListwordsmarked. ◆NEW 32-page Oxford Writing Tutor helpsstudentsplan,write and review their written work. ◆NEW TopicCollocationnotesand synonym information enables students to extendtheirvocabularyto over 7,500 words. ◆NEW Visual Vocabulary Builderwithcolourphotos and illustrations. ◆NEW Oxford iWriter onCD-ROManinteractive tutor to help students plan, write andreviewtheirwritten work. ◆NEW Interactivewhiteboard-friendlyCD-ROM.Additional Information NEW interactivewhiteboard-friendlyCD-ROMincludes: ◆Oxford iWriter an interactivetutor to helpstudentsplan, write, and review their written work.◆Thesaurus,CulturalGuide and Word origins integrated with the A-Zcreate acompletereference tool. ◆Example bank with 1,000s ofextraexamplesentences. ◆Topic vocabulary banks make it easy to lookupandlearn words used in society and politics, scienceandtechnology,culture, and education. ◆Help with learning andteachingdictionaryskills. ◆Exercises to practise and learn theAcademicWord List.NEW unlimited online access with audio: ◆Accessto thecomplete A-Zdictionary. ◆Hear all headwords spokentopractisepronunciation.
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