- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
羅益民 編著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300112817
- 出版日期:2010-1-1
My luck with Shakespeare sprang up from my contact with Professor Helen Vendler, the internationally well-known gold medal professor of lyrics and Shakespeare at Harvard University. In May of 1997, I wrote her a letter telling that I was doing John Keats for whom I knew she had written a.book entitled The Odes of John Keats and demanded that I read for a Ph.D.degree in English Literature under her direction, possibly upon the obscure name of the college where I was then teaching, she plainly said of a surety that Harvard would not admit me and at the end of her reply she threw me one sentence, "Read Shakespeare and you will get everything."
Later I got to know that the year she wrote back to me was the time when her pivotal work on Shakespeare, The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets,was published. And then I forgot about this Harvard matter and went to Peking University, under the direction of Professor Hu Jialuan, who works on Edmund Spenser and Renaissance poetry, for my Ph.D. study. When I was to make a choice between my sweetly promised poet Spenser and Shakespeare, an alternative was recommended by my roommate, the now professor of linguistics, Dr. Peng Xuanwei at Beijing Normal University,I finally chose the latter, on a very superficial basis that Spenser has not enough resources to make use of, which was, of course, a layman joke from today's point of view.
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