P4 Advanced Financial Management Studytext P4 高級財務管理 課本 ACCA
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
英國BPP出版有限公司 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787560976600
- 出版日期:2012-1-1
BPP Learning
Helping you to pass - the ONLY P4 Study Text reviewed by the
Studying P4
The exam paper and exam formulae
Revision - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Part A Role and respoibility towards stakeholde
1 The role and respoibility of senior financial executive/advisor
2 Financial strategy formulation
3a Conflicting stakeholder interests
3b Ethical issues in financial management
3c Impact of environmental issues on corporate objectives and
Part B Economic environment for multinationals
4 Trading and planning in a multinational environment
Part C Advanced investment appraisal
5 Discounted cash flow techniques and the use of free cash flows
6 Application of option pricing theory in investment decisio
7 Impact of financing on investment decisio and adjusted present
8 International investment and financing decisio
Part D Acquisitio and merge
9 Acquisitio and merge veus other growth strategies
10 Valuation of acquisitio and merge
11 Regulatory framework and processes
12 Financing merge and acquisitio
Part E Corporate recotruction and reorganisation
13 Financial recotruction
14 Business reorganisation
Part F Treasury and advanced risk management techniques
15 The role of the treasury function in multinationals
16 The use of financial derivatives to hedge agait foreign
exchange risk
17 The use of financial derivatives to hedge agait interest rate
18 Dividend policy in multinationals and trafer pricing
Part G Emerging issues
19 Recent developments and trends in world financial markets and
international trade
Appendix 1 - Examiner's sample question and awer
Appendix 2 - Mathematical tables
Exam question bank
Exam awer bank
Review form
BPP Learning Media所著的《P4高級財務管理(ACCA課本)》旨在讓學員了解一位負責組織財務管理的高級財務主管所應當具備的知識與能力。我們的課本設計注重大綱中最重要的方面,包括:為股東服務的職能與責任;高級投資評估;收購與合并;公司重構與重組;跨國公司的經濟環境;資金和高級風險管理技術;產生的問題。 BPP出版的課本全面深入的探討了ACCA P4新大綱,并以綜合且實用的方式呈現了正式考試中評估的所有學習結果和高級技巧。盡管某些內容是理論性的,課本還是采用一種實踐性的、常識性的風格,搭配大量的案例分析和真實的商業范例。每章結尾都有章節摘要以及診斷測試,總結并測試每個關鍵知識點。全書結尾還有題庫,包含試題型的習題供你練習。
Introduction Helping you to pass - the ONLY P4 Study Text reviewed by the examiner! Studying P4 The exam paper and exam formulae Revision - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Part A Role and respoibility towards stakeholde 1 The role and respoibility of senior financial executive/advisor 2 Financial strategy formulation 3a Conflicting stakeholder interests 3b Ethical issues in financial management 3c Impact of environmental issues on corporate objectives and governance Part B Economic environment for multinationals 4 Trading and planning in a multinational environment Part C Advanced investment appraisal 5 Discounted cash flow techniques and the use of free cash flows 6 Application of option pricing theory in investment decisio 7 Impact of financing on investment decisio and adjusted present values 8 International investment and financing decisio Part D Acquisitio and merge 9 Acquisitio and merge veus other growth strategies 10 Valuation of acquisitio and merge 11 Regulatory framework and processes 12 Financing merge and acquisitio Part E Corporate recotruction and reorganisation 13 Financial recotruction 14 Business reorganisation Part F Treasury and advanced risk management techniques 15 The role of the treasury function in multinationals 16 The use of financial derivatives to hedge agait foreign exchange risk 17 The use of financial derivatives to hedge agait interest rate risk 18 Dividend policy in multinationals and trafer pricing Part G Emerging issues 19 Recent developments and trends in world financial markets and international trade Appendix 1 - Examiner's sample question and awer Appendix 2 - Mathematical tables Exam question bank Exam awer bank Index Review form
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