Chapter One Petroleum Reservoir
1.1 Generation of Oil and Gas
1.2 Petroleum Traps
1.3 Reservoir Rock and Pod of Active Source Rock
1.4 Petroleum System
1.5 Reserves
1.6 Porosity
1.7 Permeability
1.8 Connate Water Saturation
1.9 Wettability
1.10 Fluid Content of Reservoir
1.11 Reservoir Heterogeneity
1.12 Classification and Definition of Fracture
1.13 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs
Chapter Two Petroleum Exploration
2.1 Geology and Search for Petroleum
2.2 Principles and Methods of Geophysical Exploration
2.3 Geophysical Exploration Example
2.4 Seismic Exploration Method
2.5 The Process of Seismic Exploration
2.6 Levels of Petroleum Investigations
Chapter Three Oil and Gas Well Engineering
3.1 Exploration Wells and Development Wells
3.2 Exploratory Drilling
3.3 Power System
3.4 Hoisting System
3.5 Rotating System
3.6 Circulating Fluid
3.7 Circulating Equipment
3.8 Drilling the Surface Hole
3.9 Running Surface Casing
3.10 Cementation
3.11 Tripping in and Tripping out
3.12 Running Intermediate Casing and Drilling to Final Depth
3.13 Well Logging and Well Completion
3.14 Setting Production Casing and Perforating
3.15 Installing Christmas Tree
3:16 Directional Well
3.17 Air Drilling
3.18 Blowout
3.19 Well Control
3.20 Well Testing
Chapter Four Oil Production Engineering
4.1 Reservoir Production Mechanisms
4.2 Secondary Recovery
4.3 Effects of Reservoir Characteristics on Well Completions
4.4 Rod Systems and Rodless Systems
4.5 Gas Lift
4.6 Electric Submersible Centrifugal Pumps
4.7 Hydraulic Pumping- piston Type
4.8 Hydraulic Fracturing
Chapter Five Petroleum Storage and Transportation
5.1 Petroleum Surface Treatment
5.2 Petroleum Pipelines
5.3 Natural Gas Pipelines
5.4 Products Pipelines
5.5 Floating- roof Tank
5.6 Fire Prevention and Foam System
5.7 Level measurement and Tank Gauging
Chapter Six Petrochemical Industry
6.1 Evaporation and Distillation
6.2 Crystallization and Extraction
6.3 Primary Refining and Secondary Refining
6.4 Thermal Cracking and Catalytic Cracking
6.5 Refinery Products
6.6 Fuel Oil
6.7 Conventional Oil Refinery Products
6.8 Petrochemicals
6.9 Synthetic Products
第一章 油氣藏
第二章 油氣勘探
第三章 油氣井工程
第四章 油田開發工程
第五章 油氣儲運
第六章 石油化工
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