Unit One
Reading A Bones,Muscles and Nerves
Reading B Osteomalacia and Rickets
Unit Two
Reading A Skin
Reading B Acne Vulgaris
Unit Three
Reading A Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration
Reading B Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Unit Four
Reading A Urinary Organs and Urinalysis
Reading B Reflux Nephropathy
Unit Five
Reading A Anmomy and Physiology of the Heart
Reading B Infective Endoearditis
Unit Six
Reading A Blood and Blood Groups
Reading B Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Unit Seven
Reading A Lymph and Lymphatic organs
Reading B Hodgkin's Disease
Unit Eight
Reading A Pharmacology
Reading B Altering Drug Dosages in Special Circumstances
Unit Nine
Reading A Psychiatry
Reading B Classification and Aetiology of Psyc:hiatric
Unit Ten
Reading A Oral Cavity and the Esophagus
Reading B Dysphagia and Tumou of the Esophagus
Unit Eleven
Reading A Stomach and Intestines
Reading B Peptic Ulcer
Unit Twelve
Reading A Cancer and Carcinogenesis
Reading B Diagnosis of Tumours
Unit Thirteen
Reading A Radiology
Reading B Cihosis of the Liver
Unit Fourteen
Reading A Nuclear Medicine
Reading B Primary Tumours of the Lung
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醫學英語詞匯學習手冊(第二版) | 郭莉萍 主.. | 中國協和醫科大學.. | ¥56.00¥44.80 |
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劍橋醫學英語 | (英)格倫.. | 人民郵電出版社 | ¥58.00¥40.60 |
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護理人員實用英語對話及專業詞匯手冊 (實用行業英語系列) | 林娜 等編.. | 水利水電出版社 | ¥34.50¥27.60 |
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