- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
(韓)張惠晶,金恩荷,裴美華 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787305090332
- 出版日期:2012-2-1
Leam to Speak,意思是“學著說英語”。但是這句話聽起來很矛盾:不直接開口說英語,怎么學英語呢?當然,通過讀書和寫作也可以獲得知識,但開口說是最基礎的。如果不做會話練習,那么隨心所欲把所知道的知識說出來的那一天將遙遙無期。張惠晶編著的《大聲說英語(附光盤Level4)》本著“邊說邊學”的宗旨,根據學習者的水平編排,讓不同階段的人都能學習。每課安排多種活動以達到讓學生直接練習會話的目的。希望學習者通過本書領悟英語的魅力。
Lesson 01 Good for you!
Showing interest in what people say
Lesson 02 Are you seeing anyone?
Talking about dating
Lesson 03 I usually hang out with my friends
Talking about activities to do with friends
Lesson 04 My whole family gets together on Chusok
Describing holidays
Lesson 05 I'm thinking of applying to your company
Talking about getting a job
Lesson 06 I'm sick and tired of commuting
Talking about commuting
Lesson 07 Will you contact her on her cell phone?
Leaving and taking phone messages
Lesson 08 I feel like quitting my job
Complaining about jobs
Lesson 09 His cell phone is turned off
Talking about cell phones
Lesson 10 How do you work this.digital camera?
Desenbing how to use modem devices
Lesson 11 My comPuter is down again
Talking about computers and its problems
Lesson 12 Haveyoutriedonlineshopping?
Talking about online shopping
Lesson 13 I bought the tickets in advance
Talking about buying concert tickets
Lesson 14 I'm planning to go skiing
Talking about vacation plans
Lesson 15 IpreferwatchinggsmesonTV
Talking about watching sports games
Lesson 16 Slow down or you'll get a speeding ticket
Talking about driving
Lesson 17 I'd better buy organic vegetables
Talking about health foods
Lesson 18 It's more convenient living in an apartment
ComParing types of housing
Lesson 19 I made some money by investing in stocks
Talking about ways of making money
Lesson 20 It seems that you have an eye for fashion
Talking about fashion
Lesson 21 What do you Mink of plastic surgery?
Discussing plastic surgery
Lesson 22 He had an affait with another woman
Discussing divorce
Lesson 23 Otherwise,he will keep treating women poorly
Discussing sexual discrimination
Lesson 24 What would you do if you won the lottery?
Discussing the lottery
Check Up
Further Study
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