Biogeochemical Processes of Biogenic Elements in China Marginal Seas
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
宋金明 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787308065924
- 出版日期:2009-9-1
Biogeochemical Processes of Biogenic Elements in China Marginal Seas is .the first monograph dedicated to this topic. The book mainly presents the latest research achievements of China's national research projects about the biogenic element cycling processes in China marginal seas starting in 1999. By describing the biogeochemical processes of China marginal seas, including the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea, it covers almost all kinds of typical ecosystems' regional responses to global oceanic changes of the estuarine ecosystem, the continental shelf ecosystem,the upwelling ecosystem, the coral reef ecosystem, and the mangrove ecosystem. It will be of great interest to scientists and researchers in marine science.
Dr. linming Song is a professor at Institute of Oceanology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences.
1.1 Basic Status of China Marginal Seas
1.1.1 The Bohai Sea
1.1.2 The Yellow Sea
1.1.3 The East China Sea
1.1.4 The South China Sea
1.2 Progress in Marine Biogeochemical Process Research in China
1.2.1 Progress in the Studies in Marine Biogeochemical Processes before 2000 in China
1.2.2 Progress in Biogeochemical Processes of Marine Carbon Cycles since 2000 in China
1.2.3 Biogeochemical Cycle of Biogenic Elements
1.3 Functions of China Marginal Sea Sediments in Cycles of Biogenic Elements
1.3.1 Biogenic Elements in China Marginal Sea Sediments
1.3.2 Chemical Environments of China Marginal Sea Sediments and Early Diagenesis of Biogenic Elements
1.3.3 Contribution of Settling Particles to Biogenic Element Recycling in China Marginal Seas
1.3.4 Contributions of China Marginal Sea Sediments in the Recycling of Biogenic Elements
1.3.5 Influences of Biological Productions in China Marginal Sea Sediments on the Recycling of Biogenic Elements
2 Biogeochemical Processes of the Bohai Sea
2.1 Change Processes of Carbon in the Bohai Sea
2.1.1 Partial Pressure of CO2 in Sea Water
2.1.2 Riverine Sources and Estuarine Fates of Particulate Organic Carbon in Sea,waters
2.1.3 Inorganic Carbon in Liaodong Bay Sediments of the Bohai Sea
2.1.4 Biogeochemical Process of Organic Carbon in Sediments
2.2 Distributions and Transformations of Nitrogen in the Bohai
2.2.1 Nitrogen in Seawaters
2.2.2 Evolution of Nutrients and Primary Production
2.2.3 Nitrogen Forms and the Decomposition of Organic Nitrogen in Sediments
2.2.4 Sediment-Water Exchange of Inorganic Nitrogen
2.3 Biogeochemical Processes of Phosphorus and Silicon in the Bohai Sea
2.3.1 Distribution of Phosphorus and Silicate in Seawaters
2.3.2 Forms of Phosphorus and Silicon in Surface Sediments
2.3.3 Processes of Nutrients across the Sediment-Water Interface
2.4 Behaviour of Heavy Metals in the Bohai Sea
2.4.1 Distribution of Dissolved Heavy Metals in Seawaters
2.4.2 Dissolved Heavy Metal Pollution in Bohai Bay
2.4.3 Heavy Metals in Bohal Bay Sediments
2.5 Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Coastal Areas of the Bohai Sea
2.5.1 Distributions of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Sediments and Mollusks
2.5.2 Composition and Sources of Persistent Organic Pollutants
2.5.3 Potential Risk of Persistent Organic Pollutants
3 Biogeochemical Processes of the Yellow Sea
3.1 Dynamic Processes of the Yellow Sea
3.1.1 Yellow Sea Currents
3.1.2 Water Exchange Between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
3.2 Carbon Biogeoehemical Processes in the Yellow Sea
3.2.1 Carbon Processes across the Air-Sea Interface
3.2.2 Biological Carbon Fixation in the South Yellow Sea Seawater
3.2.3 Initial Carbon Fixed Production
3.3 Dimethylsulfide and Its Fluxes across the Sea-Air Interface of the Yellow Sea
3.3.1 Characteristics of Dimethylsulfide and Dimethylsulfoniopropionate
3.3.2 Sea-to-Air Flux of Dimethylsulfide
4 Biogeochemical Processes of the East China Sea
5 Biogeochemical Processes of the South China Sea
6 Prospects for Marine Biogeochemical Process Research in China
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