

高校名稱 汕頭大學 所在省市 廣東
調劑專業 計算機化學 是否有公費名額 未知
發布時間 2015-03-20 截止時間 未注明





a. 小分子藥物設計

b. 小分子激發態光譜

c. 金屬配合物磷光光譜

d. MOF對小分子氣體吸附

e. 大氣化學。

2. 導師簡介

a.陳廣慧:男,1972年生,博士,教授。1999年進入吉林大學理論化學計算國家重點實驗室后,開始從事理論化學計算研究。2002年以來發表有關小分子結構與穩定性、離子-分子反應機理、配合物光譜和納米管功能化等研究論文30余篇,均被SCI收錄,大多發表在J. Phys. Chem.、 J. Chem. Phys.等美國著名期刊,在理論化學計算領域具有一定的影響力。于2005、2007年先后赴美國加州州立大學和香港大學訪學。

b. 受教育經歷

1999-2004     吉林大學理論化學計算國家重點實驗室,碩博聯讀

c. 研究工作經歷

2005-2006,       美國加州州立大學             訪問學者

 2007-2008,       香港大學, 理學院化學系    高級研究助理

2008, 6-至今,    汕頭大學,理學院化學系   教授, 碩導


1. Ke-fu Gao, Guang-hui Chen*, and Di Wu

A DFT study on the interaction between glycine molecules/radicals and the (8,0)SiCNT"

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.  2014, 16, 17988-17997. (IF=4.22,第一單位)

2. Bing Zhong1,#, Yunmei Zhen2,#, Guangrong Qin1, Huaiyu Yang1, Hualiang Jiang1,Guanghui Chen2,* and Kunqian Yu1,* Progress in Studies of Structure, Mechanism and Antagonists Interaction of GPCR Co-Receptors for HIV
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2014, 15, 000-000(IF=2.5,第一單位)

3.Yun-mei Zhen, Guang-rong Qin, Cheng Luo, Hua-liang Jiang, Kun-qian Yun* and Guang-hui Chen*
Exploring ring-catalyzed Ubiquitin transfer mechanism by MD and QM/MM calculations,
PloS. One, 2014, 9(7), e101663. (IF=3.534,第一單位)

4.Hui Wu, Guanghui Chen*, Yun-peng Yu and Qiang Wang
Theoretical exploration of the half-metallicity of graphenenanoribbons/boron nitride bilayer system
Comput. Mat. Sci., 2014, 95, 384-392(IF=2.2,第一單位)

5. Hai-long Liang, Guang-hui Chen*, and Feng-long Gu*
Theoretical study on the mechanism of reaction of CHF2 with NO2
Comput. Theo. Chem., 2013, 1010, 1-10(IF=1.1,第一單位)

6. Hai-xia Lin, Hai-long Liang, Guang-hui Chen*, Feng-long Gu*,Wen-guang Liu and Shao-fei Ni
Theoretical study on the reaction mechanisms of CH3O- with O2(X3 g-) and O2(a1Δg)
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 11656 - 11667(IF=2.9,第一單位)

7. Da-Qian Feng, Xiao-Ping Zhou, Ji Zheng, Guang-hui Chen, Xiao-Chun Huang and Dan Li*
In situ selective N-alkylation of pendant pyridyl functionality in mixed-valence copper complexes with methanol and copper(II) bromide

Dalton Transactions 2012, 41, 4255 - 4261(IF=4.0,第一單位)

8. Wen-guang Liu, Guang-hui Chen*, Xiao-chun Huang, Di Wu and Yun-peng Yu
DFT Studies on the Interaction of an Open-Ended Single-Walled Aluminum Nitride Nanotube (AlNNT) with Gas Molecules
J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 4957 - 4964(IF=4.85,第一單位)

9. Hai-xia Lin, Guang-hui Chen*, Hui-ling Liu, Dan Li, Xiao-chun Huang, Wen-guang Liu and Yu-qiu Jiao
Theoretical study on the reaction mechanism of NH2- with O2(a1Δg)
J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 13581-13588(IF=2.9,第一單位)

10. ZhiLv, Guang-hui Chen*, Dan Li, Di Wu, Xiao-chun Huang, Zhi-ru Li and Wen-guang Liu
RgBF2+ complexes (Rg=Ar, Kr, and Xe): the cations with large stabilities
J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 154302 -154309(IF=3.0,第一單位)

11. Guo-fen Gao, Mian Li, Shun-ze Zhan, ZhiLv, Guang-hui Chen, and Dan Li*
Confined Metallophilicity within a Coordination Prism
Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 4113-4117(IF=6.0,第一單位)

12. Yi Pan, Guang-hui Chen*, Di Wu, ZhiLv, Zhi-ru Li, Dan Li, Xiaochun Huang
Theoretical study on structures and stability of GeSiN and GeCP radicals
Chem. Phys. Lett. 2010, 487, 171-176(IF=2.0,第一單位)

13. Zhen-bo Liu, Zhi-ru Li, Ming-huiZuo, Qing-zhong Li, Fang Ma, Zhong-jun Li, Guang-hui Chen, Chia-chung Sun
Rare gas atomic number dependence of the hyperpolarizability for rare gas inserted fluorohydrides, HRgF (Rg=He, Ar, and Kr)
J. Chem. Phys. 2009,131, 044308-044313(IF=3.1,第一單位)

14. Guang-hui Chen, Krishnan Balasubramanian
Electronic states and stability of GeC2N radical
Chem. Phys. Lett., 2007, 438 (4-6), 162-168.

15. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, and Chia-chung Sun
Theoretical investigation on potential energy surface of CSiNP isomers
J. Mol. Struc.(TheoChem) 2006, 772(1-3), 51-64.

16. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, Chia-chung Sun
Theoretical study on structures and stability of Si2CP isomers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005,109( 25), 5619-5624.

17.Hui-ling Liu, Xu-ri Huang, Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Chia-chung Sun
Theoretical study on structures and stability of SiC3P isomers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108(52), 11828-11837.

18. Guang-tao Yu, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, Guang-hui Chen, Au-chin Tang
Theoretical study on structures and stability of NC3S isomers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108(48), 10723-10739.

19. Hui-ling Liu, Xu-ri Huang, Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding,,Chia-chung Sun
SiC3N: A Promising Interstellar Molecule with Stable Cyclic Isomers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108( 33), 6919-6927.

20. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, Ze-sheng Li, Chia-chung Sun
Theoretical investigation on the potential energy surface of Si2NP molecule
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108( 24), 5268-5277.

21. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang,Jian-kang, Yu, Chia-chung Sun
Si2CN: A stable nitrogen-containing radical with cyclic ground state
J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 120(18), 8512-8520.

22. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, Ze-sheng Li, Chia-chung Sun
Theoretical study on structures and stability of SiC2S isomers
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2003, 107(35), 6859-6868.

23. Guang-hui Chen, Yi-hong Ding, Xu-ri Huang, Hong-xing Zhang, Ze-sheng Li, Chia-chung Sun
SiC2P: A promising molecule with two stable cyclic structures
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106( 43), 10408-10414.


Email: jlucgh@gmail.com


Tel: 15875365608





刪除信息請聯系 tiaoji@163.com


