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熊永建,理學博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。現任職于大連醫科大學附屬第一醫院/大連醫科大學中西醫結合研究院。課題組帶頭人為國家杰青,所在實驗室 國家杰出青年基金,國家自然科學基金重點項目,重大新藥創制和重點研發計劃課題,中國博士后科學基金等多項課題,經費充足。本人以通訊作者或第一作者發表SCI論文14篇,參編專著1部。兼任中國中醫藥信息學會科技創新與成果轉化分會理事、大連市中西醫結合學會老年病專業委員會委員。
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1. Prdx6-induced inhibition of ferroptosis in epithelial cells contributes to liquiritin-exerted alleviation of colitis. Food Funct. 2022 Sep 22;13(18):9470-9480.(通訊作者,IF= 6.317,食品科學頂刊)
2. Therapeutic material basis and underling mechanisms of Shaoyao Decoction-exerted alleviation effects of colitis based on GPX4-regulated ferroptosis in epithelial cells. Chin Med. 2022 Aug 16;17(1):96. (通訊作者,IF= 4.546)
3. Targeting JAK/STAT signaling pathways in treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Res. 2021 Jul;70(7):753-764. (通訊作者,IF= 6.986)
4. Enhancement of epithelial cell autophagy induced by sinensetin allevites epithelial barrier dysfunction in colitis. Pharmacol Res. 2019 oct;148:104461. (第一作者,IF= 10.334,藥學頂刊)
5. Fortunellin-induced modulation of phosphatase and tensin homolog by microrna-374a decreases inflammation and maintains intestinal barrier function in colitis. Front Immunol. 2018 jan 26;9:83.(第一作者, IF= 8.786)
6. Inhibition of epithelial tnf-alpha receptors by purified fruit bromelain ameliorates intestinal inflammation and barrier dysfunction in colitis. Front Immunol. 2017 nov 10;8:1468.(共同通訊作者,IF= 8.786)
7. Activation of sirtuin 1 by catalpol-induced down-regulation of microrna-132 attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress in colitis. Pharmacol Res. 2017 sep;123:73-82.(第一作者,IF= 10.334,藥學頂刊)
8. Myosin light chain kinase: a potential target for treatment of inflammatory diseases. Front Pharmacol. 2017 may 23;8:292.(第一作者,IF= 5.988)
9. Hesperidin alleviates rat postoperative ileus through anti-inflammation and stimulation of ca2+-dependent myosin phosphorylation. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2016 aug;37(8):1091-100.(第一作者,IF= 7.169, 藥學頂刊)
10. Salvianolic acid b restored impaired barrier function via downregulation of mlck by microrna-1 in rat colitis model. Front Pharmacol. 2016 may 26;7:134.(第一作者,IF= 5.988)
11. Citrus nobiletin ameliorates experimental colitis by reducing inflammation and restoring impaired intestinal barrier function. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2015 may;59(5):829-42.(第一作者,IF= 6.575,食品科學頂刊)
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