科研成果 |
發表學術論文52篇(其中SCI論文20篇),ISI引用次數為176;申請專利8項,授權專利3項;獲上海市科技進步一等獎1項。其研究成果全方位分析了魚類性腺特定發育時期狀態下的相關性別控制基因和關聯蛋白質的表達水平,揭示了魚類性腺發育的生理調控途徑,發現了淡水魚類性逆轉過程中的關鍵基因的調控作用,研究成果被Nature旗下的Scientific Reports發表報道;揭示了環境因子通過"垂體-甲狀腺軸"和"垂體-肝臟軸"對名特優養殖魚類生長的調控機制,確定了名優魚類養殖的適宜環境范圍。這些研究促進了人們對魚類生理調控機制的深入了解,為提高水產養殖和苗種繁育技術奠定了科學理論基礎。同時,李大鵬在養殖池塘水質改良與健康養殖技術推廣方面也做出了突出成績,被評為湖北省2014年度水產技術推廣工作先進個人。
- Liu, Z., Tang, R., Li, D.*, Hu, Q., Wang, Y., 2015. Subacute microcystin-LR exposure alters the metabolism of thyroid hormones in juvenile zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Toxins, 7, 337-352. (SCI, IF=2.480)
- Hu, Q., Guo, W., Gao, Y., Tang, R., Li, D.*, 2014. Molecular cloning and analysis of gonadal expression of Foxl2 in the rice-field eel Monopterus albus. Scientific Reports, 4: 6884 (DOI: 10.1038/srep06884) (SCI, IF=5.078)
- Hu, Q., Guo, W., Gao, Y., Tang, R., Li, D.*, 2014. Reference gene selection for real-time RT-PCR normalization in rice field eel (Monopterus albus) during gonad development. Fish Physiol Biochem, 40: 1721-1730. (SCI, IF=1.676)
- Gao, Y., Li, D.*, Peng, X., Tang, R.*, 2014. Effects of low-voltage constant direct current on plasma biochemical profiles and gene expression levels in crucian carp Carassius carassius. Fish Sci 80:993-1000. (SCI,IF=0.855)
- Gao, Y., Guo, W., Hu, Q., Zou, M., Tang, R., Chi, W., Li, D.*, 2014. Characterization and differential expression patterns of conserved microRNAs and mRNAs in three genders of rice field eel (Monopterus albus). Sexual Development, 8: 387-398 (SCI,IF=1.757)
- Li, D.*, Liu, Z., Xie, C., 2012. Effect of stocking density on growth and serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and cortisol in Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii. Fish Physiol Biochem, 38 (2), 511-520. (SCI,IF=1.609)
- Li, D., Xie, P., Zhang, X., Zhao, Y., 2009. Intraperitoneal injection of extracted microcystins results in hypovolemia and hypotension in crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Toxicon, 53, 638-644. (SCI,IF=2.460)
- Li, D., Xie, P., Zhang, X., 2008. Changes in plasma thyroid hormones and cortisol levels in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) exposed to the extracted microcystins. Chemosphere, 74, 13-18. (SCI,IF=3.054)
- Zhang H., Xie C., Li D., Xiong D., Liu H., Suolang S. Shang P. (2011) Blood cells of a sisorid catfish Glyptosternum maculatum (Siluriformes: Sisoridae), in Tibetan Plateau. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 37, 169-176. (SCI, IF =1.607 )
- Zhang, H., Xie, C.X., Li, D., Xiong, D., Liu, H., Suolang, S., Shang, P. (2010). Haematological and blood biochemical characteristics of Glyptosternum maculatum (Siluriformes: Sisoridae) in Xizang (Tibet). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 36, 797-801.(SCI, IF =1.607 )
- Shi, X., Li, D. *, Zhuang, P., Nie, F., Long, L., 2006. Comparative blood biochemistry of Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, and Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis. Fish Physiol Biochem, 32, 63-66. (SCI, IF=0.558)
- 馬玲巧,李大鵬*,田興,湯蓉. 1齡黃顙魚的肌肉營養成分及品質特性分析. 水生生物學報, 2015, 39(1): 193-196.
- 馬玲巧,亓成龍,曹靜靜,李大鵬*. 水庫網箱和池塘養殖斑點叉尾豸肌肉營養成分和品質的比較分析.水產學報, 2014, 38(4), 532-536.
- 彭曉珍,郭威,亓成龍,曹靜靜,李大鵬*. 茯苓、白芍、魚腥草及大黃復方藥用植物添加劑對施氏鱘生長性能及血漿生化指標的影響.中國水產科學,2014, 21(5): 973-979。
- 胡青,楊嬌艷,高宇,郭威,李大鵬*. 黃鱔WT1基因序列分析及在性腺發育過程中的表達. 華中農業大學學報,2014, 33(1), 73-79.
- 葉俊,肖琛,尹曉燕,湯蓉,李大鵬*. 亞硝態氮脅迫對草魚非特異性免疫性能的影響. 淡水漁業, 2013, 43(4), 40-44.
- 李大鵬, 劉松巖, 謝從新, 張學振.水溫對中華鱘血清活性氧含量及抗氧化防御系統的影響. 水生生物學報, 2008, 32 (3), 327-332.
- 聶芬,李大鵬*,石小濤,莊平。擁擠脅迫對史氏鱘溶菌酶及補體水平的影響。水生生物學報,2006, 31 (4), 581-584.
- 石小濤,李大鵬*,莊平,聶芬。養殖密度對史氏鱘消化率、攝食率和生長的影響. 應用生態學報,2006,17(8), 1517-1520.
- 李大鵬,莊平,嚴安生、章龍珍。施氏鱘幼魚攝食和生長的最適水溫。中國水產科學,2005,12(3): 294-299.
- 李大鵬,莊平、嚴安生、章龍珍。光照、水流和養殖密度對史氏鱘稚魚攝食、行為和生長的影響。水產學報,2004,28(1): 54-61.