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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2020-03-11 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
1. 企業橫向,激光熔覆合金粉末及工藝的研究,2018.06-2018.12,參與
2. 企業橫向,等離子激光氮化技術與裝備研究,2017.04-2019.05,參與
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51475458,2015.01-2018.12,參與
4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51301197,2014.01-2016.12,主持
5. 江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金項目,BK20130182,2013.07-2016.06,主持
6. 中國礦業大學青年科技基金項目,JGN110841,2011.06-2014.06,主持
7. 企業橫向,焊縫異常對漏磁檢測磁場分布影響的有限元分析,2019.1.1-2019.12.31,主持
8. 企業橫向,管道漏磁內檢測焊縫異常模擬及三維仿真, 2019.1.1-2020.12.31,主持
[1] Can Feng, Jie Xu*, Zhi Seng Zhang, Jianyang Wu. Morphology- and dehydrogenation-controlled mechanical properties in diamond nanothreads. Carbon, 2017, 124: 9-22.
[2] 李曉芃, 李朋朋, 徐杰*, 馮燦, 樊宇, 孫智. 強度匹配對焊接管韌性斷裂影響的有限元分析. 焊管, 2017, 40(2): 1-5.
[3] 徐杰,李朋朋,樊宇,孫智. 溫度對焊接熱模擬X80管線鋼斷裂韌性的影響.焊接學報,2017, 38(1): 22-26.
[4] 卓小敏,徐杰*,李朋朋,樊宇,孫智. 殘余應力對管線鋼韌性斷裂的影響. 焊接學報,2017, 38(5): 44-48.
[5] 徐杰,卓小敏,李朋朋. 溫度對X80管線鋼韌/脆轉變區斷裂韌性的影響. 工程力學, 2016, 33(S1): 56-61.
[6] Jie Xu, Xiaomin Zhuo, Pengpeng Li, Yu Fan and Zhi Sun. Constraint effect on the ductile fracture behavior of high-strength pipeline steels. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 850: 899-904.
[7] Xiaomin Zhuo, Jie Xu*, Pengpeng Li, Yu Fan and Zhi Sun. Effect of residual stresses on ductile crack growth in pipeline steel. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 850: 403-408.
[8] 卓小敏,徐杰*,李朋朋. 溫度對X80管線鋼韌/脆轉變區斷裂韌性的影響. 第24屆全國結構工程學術會議論文集(第II冊),2015,II-071~II-074.
[9] 李朋朋,徐杰*,卓小敏等. 強度匹配對焊接管韌性斷裂行為影響的研究. 壓力容器, 2015, 32(9): 19-25.
[10] J Xu, XL Jia, Y Fan, et al., Residual stress analyses in pipe welding simulation: 3D pipe versus axi-symmetric models, Procedia Materials Science, 2014, 3: 511-516.
[11] J Xu, XL Jia, Y Fan, et al., A comparison of 3D and axi-symmetric models in pipe welding simulation process, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 529: 277-281.
[12] Z K Song, Z Y Li, J Xu*, Y C Sun. Effects of heat source model and welding speed on welding temperature filed for a plan carbon steel plant. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 488-489: 83-89.
[13] J X L, Xu J*, Liu Z H, et al., A new method to estimate heat source parameters in gas metal arc welding simulation process. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2014, 89(1): 40-48.
[14] 賈小磊,徐杰*,劉兆衡等. 熱源模型參數對管道焊接的影響研究. 壓力容器, 2013, 30(8): 27-32.
[15] 賈小磊,徐杰*,孫智,樊宇. T型焊接接頭的單邊重焊工藝參數模擬研究. 焊管, 2012, 35(10): 16-24.
[16] 孫智,宋威,徐杰. 挖掘機動臂板焊接溫度場模擬及影響因素分析. 中國機械工程學報, 2012, 10(2): 139-144.
[17] Xu J, Fan Y. Effects of temperature and crack tip constraint on cleavage fracture toughness in the weld thermal simulated X80 pipeline steels. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 197-198: 1595-1598.
[18] 徐杰. 焊接熱源模型及焊接速度對平板焊接溫度場的影響. 現代焊接, 2011: 117-121.
[19] 徐杰. 溫度及裂尖約束對焊接熱模擬X80管線鋼斷裂韌性的影響. 現代焊接, 2011: 127-131.
[20] 宋威, 徐杰, 孫智等. 焊接速度對Q345鋼平板焊接殘余應力場的影響. 現代焊接, 2011: 122-126.
[21] 孫智,宋威,徐杰. Q345鋼焊接溫度場-應力場三維有限元數值模擬. 現代焊接, 2011: 158-162.
[22] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Constraint effect on the ductile fracture behavior of circumferentially cracked pipes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2010, 77: 671-684.
[23] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Effect of crack depth and specimen size on ductile crack growth of SENT and SENB specimens for fracture mechanics evaluation of pipeline steels. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2009, 86: 787-797.
[24] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Numerical analyses of ductile fracture behavior in 2D plane strain and axisymmetric models using the complete Gurson model. In: Proceedings of the ASME PVP2009, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 26-30, 2009, 6: 1815-1824.
[25] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Axisymmetric modeling of constraint effect on the ductile crack growth resistance of circumferentially cracked pipes. In: Proceedings of the OMAE-2010, the 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China, June 6-11, 2010, 5: 133-142.
[26] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Effects of temperature and crack tip constraint on cleavage fracture toughness in the weld thermal simulated X80 pipeline steel. In: Proceedings of the ISOPE-2010, the 20th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, June 20-26, 2010, 4: 162-169.
[27] Xu J, Zhang Z L, Østby E, et al. Effect of crack tip constraint on ductile crack growth under large scale yielding conditions. In: Proceedings of the NSCM-21, The 21st Nordic seminar on computational mechanics, Trondheim, Norway, Oct 16-17, 2008, ISBN 978-84-96736-56-6.
[28] Song W, Liu X, Berto F, Xu J, Fang H. Numerical simulation of prestrain history effect on ductile crack growth in mismatched welded joints. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2017, 40(9): 1472-1483.
[29] Song W, Liu X, Berto F, Wang P, Xu J, Fang H. Strain energy density based fatigue cracking assessment of load-carring cruciform welded joints. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 90: 142-153.
1. 四軸聯動激光焊接裝置,201520972186.7,國內,排名第一;
2. 一種提高激光氮化效果的電磁攪拌熔池裝置,201410065558.8,國內,排名第二;
3. 一種用于連續式光纖激光表面合金化的鈷基金屬合金粉末,201410629823.0,國內,排名第二;
4. 一種減少鋁合金焊接氣孔的激光-電弧復合焊接方法,201611175130.4,國內,排名第四;
5. 一種鈷鉻烤瓷義齒的電泳沉積激光熔覆復合加工方法,201610681342.3,國內,排名第四