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分類:導師信息 來源:中國礦業大學(徐州) 2020-01-14 相關院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)
張生輝,博士、副教授、碩士研究生導師,1977年出生,中共黨員,于2004年7月到中國礦業大學任教,現任教于中國礦業大學材料科學與工程學院,擔任Clays and Clay minerals等期刊審稿專家。
2000年6月獲中國地質大學工業分析專業工學學士學位,2004年6月獲中國地質大學分析化學理學碩士學位,2012年6月獲中國礦業大學礦物材料工程工學博士學位,2014年3月到2015年4月,美國The Pennsylvania State University訪問學者。主要從事層狀硅酸鹽插層復合材料、無機非金屬材料及礦物材料微米納米化、泡沫玻璃復合材料等方面的理論及應用研究。曾主持、參與并完成國家自然科學基金項目、中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金、校青年基金、普通高校科研創新計劃等縱向項目數項,“高純納米莫來石生產技術研究與開發”、“氫氧化鎂阻燃劑制備技術研究”等企業橫向項目多項,目前主持中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金兩項,承擔高等教育教改研究課題一項。近年來先后在國內外期刊上發表論文三十余篇,其中被SCI、EI收錄十余篇。
research project “The development and construction of Material physics & chemistry courses with materials preparation characteristics” (2012)
Third Class Award of Science and Technology of China University of Mining & Technology in the area of layered silicates organic intercalation (2010)等獎
Member of Chinese Ceramic Society (CCS)
Member of Non-metal Minerals Society of Jiangsu Province
Preparation and application of mineral nano-materials
Spectroscopic and structural properties of intercalation materials
Chemical Thermodynamics
1. Zhang, S., et al., Thermal decomposition behavior and de-intercalation mechanism of acetamide intercalated into kaolinite by thermoanalytical techniques, Appl. Clay Sci. (2015).
2. ZHANG Sheng-hui, ZHOU Ya-chong, OU Xue-mei, QIANG Ying-huai, XIA Hua. Study on the occurrence states of formamide in kaolinite-formamide intercalation system and microstructure of its compounds by FTIR and XRD. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 2013, 33(11) In press.
3. Zhou YC, Zhang SH, Ou XM, Zhang XB, Zhang X. Thermal decomposition behavior and deintercalation kinetics of kaolinite/benzamide intercalation complex. Journal of inorganic chemistry, 2013, 29(5):31-35.
4. Hua Xia, Shenghui Zhang. Synthesis, characterization and mechanism of benzamide intercalated kaolinite by replacement method. Applied mechanics and materials, 2013, 420:222-229.
5. Xu Cheng, Yang Shuai, Zhang Shenghui-hui, Niu Ji-Nan, Qiang Ying-Huai, Liu Jiong-Tian. Temperature dependences of optical properties, chemical composition, structure, and laser damage in Ta2O5 films. Chinese physics B, 2012, 21(11).
6. ZHANG Sheng-hui, QIANG Ying-huai, OU Xue-mei, XIA hua. FTIR and XRD analysis studies of intercalation of kaolinite with benzamide. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 2009, 29(8): 2067- 2070.
7. SHEN Qiangfeng, ZHANG Shenghui, SHEN Chengjin, ZHANG Yafei, QIANG Yinghuai. Effect of auxiliary additive agents on properties of foam glass. Materials review, 2008,22(12):336-338.
8. PAN Yecai, QIANG Yinghuai, ZHANG Shenghui, HU Jichun. Current Situation and Prospect of Exploiting Kaolinite Mineral Nano-material in Ch, China Non-Metallic Mining Industry Herald, 2008, (1):7-11.
9. ZHANG Sheng-hui, WANG Zhen-zhong, SHEN Cheng-jin, XIA Hua. Preparation and microstructure of kaolinite-acetamide intercalation compounds. Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 2007, 27(2):7-11.
10. ZHANG Shenghui-hui, YANG Yang, QIANG Ying-huai, XIA Hua. The organic intercalation mechanism of kaolinite and the application of intercalated composites. Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica, 2006, 25(6):530-536.
11. ZHANG Shenghui-hui, YANG Yang, QIANG Ying-huai, XIA Hua. Bonding and orientation of benzamide in kaolinite-benzamide intercalation. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2006, 34 (9): 1124-1129.
12. SHEN Chengjin, ZHAO Yulong, ZHANG Shenghui. Study on influence of glass mixture modification on foaming quality of foam glass, New Building Materials, 2006, (8):70-72.
13. ZHANG Shenghui, XIA Hua, YANG Wei, ZHAO Shunping, HAN Lixiong. Preparation and characterization of kaolinite- benzamide intercalation compound, Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society, 2004, 132 (5): 631-635.
14. ZHANG Shenghui, XIA Hua, YANG Wei, ZHAO Shunping, HAN Lixiong. Preparation and characterization of kaolinite-pNA intercalation compound, Journal of Materials Engineering, 2004, (3):24-27.