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分類:導師信息 來源:西北農林科技大學 2018-05-31 相關院校:西北農林科技大學
3. 開設課程
承擔 “園藝學概論”、“常綠果樹栽培學”、“園田操作技能訓練”和“果樹綜合實習”等課程。
[1] Wang Xiaoqian, Li Cuiying, Liang Dong, Zou Yangjun, Li Pengmin, Ma Fengwang. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in red-fleshed apples. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 18: 1086-1094.
[2] Chang Cong, Li Chao, Li Cuiying, Kang Xiaoyu, Zou Yangjun, Ma Fengwang. Differences in the Efficiency of Potassium (K) Uptake and Use in Five Apple Rootstock Genotypes. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(9): 934-1942.
[3] Bai Tuanhui, Li Cuiying, Li Chao, Liang Dong, Ma Fengwang. Contrasting hypoxia toleranc e and adaptation in Malus species is linked to differences in stomatal behavior and photosynthesis. Physiologia Plantarum. 2013, 147(4): 514-523.
[4] Yin Lihua, Li Mingjun, Ke Xiwang, Li Cuiying, Zou Yangjun, Liang Dong, Ma Fengwang. Evaluation of Malus germplasm resistance to marssonina apple blotch. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2013,136(3): 597-602.
[5] Bai Tuanhui, Yin Rong, Li Cuiying, Ma Fengwang, Yue Zhiyong, Shu Huairui. Comparative Analysis of Endogenous Hormones in Leaves and Roots of Two Contrasting Malus Species in Response to Hypoxia Stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 30: 119-127.
[6] Li Cuiying, Bai Tuanhui, Ma Fengwang, Han Mingyu. Hypoxia tolerance and adaptation of anaerobic respiration to hypoxia stress in two Malus species. Scientia Horticulturae, 2010.124: 274-279.
[7] Bai Tuanhui, Li Cuiying, Ma Fengwang, Feng Fengjuan, Shu Huairui. Responses of growth and antioxidant system to root-zone hypoxia stress in two Malus species. Plant Soil, 2010, 327: 95-105. (Co-first author)
[8] Ma Xiaowei, Ma Fengwang, Li Cuiying, Mi Yinfa, Bai Tuanhui, Shu Huairui. Biomass accumulation, allocation, and water-use efficiency in 10 Malus rootstocks under two watering regimes. Agroforest Syst, 2010, 80:283-294.
[9] Bai Tuanhui, Li Cuiying, Ma Fengwang, Shu Huairui, Han Mingyu. Exogenous salicylic acid alleviates growth inhibition and oxidative stress induced by hypoxia stress in Malus robusta Rehd. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2009, 28: 358-366. (Co-first author)
[10] Bai Ru, Zhao Xin, Ma Fengwang, Li Cuiying. Identification and bioassay of allelopathic substances from the root exudates of Malus prunifolia. Allelopathy Journal. 2009, 23 (2): 477-484.
[11] 李翠英, 葉新華, 黃偉利. 茶多酚處理對杏果實貯藏期主要抗氧化酶活性的影響. 西南大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 34(8):25-29.
[12] 李翠英, 葉新華, 黃偉利. 茶多酚處理后杏果實貯藏期超氧陰離子產生及MDA含量的變化. 北方園藝, 2011, 24: 196-198.
[13] 馬春花,李明軍,李翠英,邵建輝,馬鋒旺. 不同抗性蘋果砧木葉片抗壞血酸代謝對干旱脅迫的響應. 西北植物學報, 2011, 31(8): 1596-1602.
[14] 李翠英, 馬鋒旺, 白團輝, 束懷瑞, 韓明玉, 王昆. 低氧脅迫對蘋果砧木生長和生理特性的影響. 西北植物學報, 2008, 28(5): 1001-1006.
[15] 李翠英, 馬鋒旺, 白團輝, 束懷瑞, 韓明玉, 王昆. 低氧脅迫對蘋果砧木根系膜脂氧化和抗氧化系統的影響. 應用與環境生物學報, 2008, 14(4): 460-465.
[16] 白團輝, 馬鋒旺, 李翠英, 束懷瑞, 韓明玉. 水楊酸對根際低氧脅迫下八棱海棠幼苗活性氧代謝的影響. 園藝學報, 2008, 35(2): 163-168.
[17] 白團輝, 馬鋒旺, 李翠英, 束懷瑞, 韓明玉, 王昆. 蘋果砧木幼苗對根際低氧脅迫的生理響應及耐性分析. 中國農業科學, 2008, 41(12): 4140-4148.
6. 聯系方式
通訊地址:陜西楊凌邰城路3號農科樓 園藝學院
Email:lcy1262@nwsuaf.edu.cn <mailto:lcy1262@nwsuaf.edu.cn>