寧南英 副教授
2001.09—2005.06 四川大學高分子科學與工程學院,本科
2005.09—2010.06 四川大學高分子科學與工程學院,博士
2008.09—2009.09 美國 阿克隆大學 高分子科學與工程學院,聯合培養博士
2012.07-至今 北京化工大學 材料科學與工程學院
2010.07—2012.06 四川大學 輕紡與食品學院,博士后
1. 動態硫化熱塑性彈性體微觀結構及形成機理
2. 彈性體納米復合材料界面性能和粘彈性關系研究,
3. 導電/介電彈性體復合材料微結構調控與性能
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(51103090):氧化石墨烯包覆無機填料及其在聚合物增強中的應用基礎研究 2012.01-2014.12
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51373012):彈性體大分子-無機納米粒子相互作用及其復合材料的界面性能和粘彈性關系研究 2014.01-2017.12
3. 北京化工大學高層次引進人才科研啟動項目 2012.09-2015.09
4. 山東道恩高分子材料股份有限公司合作項目:動態硫化過程微結構演變及高性能PA 柔性合金的研制 2013.03-2014.12
5. 江蘇玖川納米材料科技有限公司合作項目:凹凸棒石/橡膠納米復合材料關鍵技術開發 2013.07-2016.09
6. 國家“十二五”科技支撐計劃課題:長碳鏈聚酰胺樹脂及柔性合金制備與應用關鍵技術研究 2013.01-2015.12
7. 總裝備部國家安全重大基礎研究計劃項目:BHJG2012019(國防軍工973項目專題) 2012.01-2016.12
8. 國家自然科學基金委:嵌段共聚物定構加工與性能研究 2013.01-2017.12
1) Hanguang Wu, Ming Tian,* Liqun Zhang, Hongchi Tian, Youping Wu and NanyingNing* New understanding of microstructure formation of the rubber phase inthermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV). Soft Matter, 2014,10, 1816-1822(SCI影響因子:3.9)
2) Nanying Ning, Qin Ma, Yunqiang Zhang, Liqun Zhang, Hanguang Wu, MingTian* Enhanced thermo-oxidative aging resistance of EPDM at high temperature byusing synergistic antioxidants, Polymer Degradation and Stability,2014,Accepted.(SCI影響因子:2.77)
3) Nanying Ning, Xue Bai, Dan Yang, Liqun Zhang, Yonglai Lu, Toshio Nishiand Ming Tian* Dramatically improved dielectric properties of polymercomposites by controlling the alignment of carbon nanotubes in matrix RSCAdv., 2014,4, 4543-4551(SCI影響因子:2.56)
4) Ming Tian, Xianglong Zhang , Liqun Zhanga, Shi Yinb, Toshio Nishic,Nanying Ning* , Interfacial enhancement of fibrillar silicates(FS)/EPDMnanocomposites by surface modification of FS in supercritical CO2. CompositesScience and Technology, 2013, 79, 21. (SCI影響因子:3.1)
5) Nanying Ning, Sirui Fu, Wei Zhang, Feng Chen, Ke Wang*, HuaDeng, Qin Zhang and Qiang Fu*, Realizing the enhancement of interfacialinteraction in semicrystalline polymer/filler composites via interfacialcrystallization, Progress in Polymer Science, 2012,37,1425. (SCI影響因子:24.1)
6) Nanying Ning, Wei Zhang, Yongsheng Zhao, Changyu Tang, and Qiang Fu*, Facilitatingthe formation of nanohybrid shish kebab structure in helical polymer systems byusing carbon nanotube bundles, Polymer, 2012, 53, 4553 (SCI影響因子:3.4)
7) Nanying Ning, Wei Zhang, Jiajie Yan, Fan Xu, Tiannan Wang, Hao Su,Changyu Tang, and Qiang Fu*, Largely enhanced crystallization ofsemi-crystalline polymer on the surface of glass fiber by using graphene oxideas a modifier, Polymer, 2013, 54,303. (SCI影響因子:3.4)
8) Nanying Ning, Feng Luo, Baofeng Pan, Qin Zhang, Ke Wang and Qiang Fu*, Observation of Shear-Induced HybridShish Kebab in the Injection Molded Bars of Linear Polyethylene ContainingInorganic Whiskers; Macromolecules, 2007, 40(24), 8533-8536. (SCI影響因子:5.2)
9) Nanying Ning, Feng Luo, Ke Wang, Qin Zhang, Feng Chen, Rongni Du andQiang Fu*,Molecular Weight Dependence of Hybrid Shish KebabStructure in Injection Molded Bar of Polyethylene/Inorganic Whisker Composites;J.Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112(48),14140-14148. (SCI影響因子:3.7)
10) Nanying Ning, Feng Luo, Ke Wang, Rongni Du, QinZhang, Feng Chen, and Qiang Fu*; Interfacial Enhancement by Shish-CalabashCrystal Structure in Polypropylene/Inorganic Whisker Composites; Polymer,2009,50,3851-3856. (SCI影響因子:3.4)
11) Nan-ying Ning, Qin-jian Yin, Feng Luo, Qin Zhang,Rongni Du and Qiang Fu*, Crystallization behavior andmechanical properties of polypropylene/halloysite composites; Polymer,2007, 48(25), 7374-7384. (SCI影響因子:3.4)
12) Nanying Ning, Hua Deng, Feng Luo, Ke Wang, QinZhang, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. Effect of whiskers nucleation ability and shearingfunction on the interfacial crystal morphology of polyethylene (PE)/rawwhiskers composites, Composites: Part B, 2011, 42(4), 631–637(SCI 影響因子:1.7)
13) Nanying Ning, Hua Deng, Feng Luo, Qin Zhang, KeWang, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*. The interfacial enhancement of LLDPE/whiskerscomposites via interfacial crystallization, Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies, 2012, 23(3), 431–440 (SCI 影響因子:2.0)
14) Nanying Ning, Wei Zhang, Yongsheng Zhao, FengLuo, Qiang Fu*. Nanohybrid shish kebab structure and its effect on mechanical propertiesin poly(L-lactide)/carbon nanotube nanocomposites fibers, Polymer International,2012, 61(11), 1634–1639 (SCI 影響因子:1.9)
15) Ning, N., Zhang, W., Yan, J., Xu, F., Tang, C., & Fu, Q. Effect ofsurface “groove” structure of carbon nanotube bundles on the formation ofnanohybrid shish kebab, Journal of Materials Research, 2012,27(21): 2812. (SCI 影響因子:1.4)
16) Wang L, Ning N, Zhang L, et al. Filler dispersion evolution of acrylonitrile–butadiene rubber/graphite nanocomposites during processing[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2013, 47: 135-142. (SCI 影響因子:2.7)
17) Zhao Y, Ning N, Hu X, et al. Processingtemperature dependent mechanical response of a thermoplastic elastomer with lowhard segment[J]. Polymer, 2012, 53(19): 4310-4317. (SCI 影響因子:3.4)
1. 一種低模量高介電常數的聚氨酯彈性體分子復合材料及其制備方法 201310111326.7 第一發明人
2. 一種氧化石墨烯/炭黑橡膠納米復合材料及其制備方法 201310146476.1 第一發明人
3. 一種高導電橡膠復合材料及其制備方法 201310199334.1 第一發明人