新加坡國立大學博士后(2010.6~2013.11) 導師:鐘臺生(院士)
化學工程博士 (2004.8~2010.5)
The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, USA. 導師:Maria R. Coleman
化學工程碩士 (2001.9~2004.6) 清華大學 導師:李繼定
化學工程學士 (1997.9~2001.7) 清華大學
1、 與巴斯夫(BASF)合作項目“磺化聚醚砜材料在膜分離中的應用(水處理過程及正向滲透過程,S$320,000),2012~2013。
2、 設計與制備工業規模的中空纖維氣體分離膜,用于煙道氣中的二氧化碳分離和空氣富氧。項目資助方:Singapore A*star S$680,000。 Project “PolymericMembrane Development for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas” (Grant No.R-398-000-058-305),2010~2012
3、 合成新穎的基于離子液體的聚合物膜材料應用于二氧化碳從合成氣體(H2, N2, CO, CO2)中的分離. 項目投資方: 美國能源部 $346,338 (OCDO ID #AY07-08),2007~2009。
1. P.Li, H. Yin, N. Peng, T. S. Chung, PDMS based composite hollow fibermembranes for gas separation applications. Technology Disclosure was filed as aSingapore patent application on 1 October 2012. Application No. (201207291-4).
1. Pei Li, T. S. Chung, D. R. Paul, Temperature Dependence of GasSorption and Permeation in PIM-1, Journal of Membrane Science, 450,2014, 380-388. 影響因子:4.09他引:1
2. Pei Li, T. S. Chung, D. R. Paul, Gas Sorption and Permeation inPIM-1, Journal of Membrane Science, 432, 2013, 50-57.影響因子:4.09 他引:13
3. Pei Li, Maria Coleman, Synthesis of Room Temperature Ionic LiquidsBased Random Copolyimides for Gas Separation Applications, European PolymerJournal, 49, 2013, 482-491. 影響因子: 2.56 他引:2
4.Pei Li, H. Z Chen, Tai-Shung Chung, TheEffects of Substrate Characteristics and Pre-wetting Agents on PAN-PDMSComposite Hollow Fiber Membranes for CO2/N2 and O2/N2Separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 434, 2013, 18-25. 影響因子:4.09 他引:1
5.Pei Li, D. R. Paul and Tai-Shung Chung, High performance membranesbased on ionic liquid polymers for CO2 separation from the flue gas,Green Chemistry 2012, 14, 1052-1066. 影響因子:6.83 他引:27
6. Pei Li, K. P. Pramoda, Tai-Shung Chung, CO2, N2Separation using Poly (Room Temperature Ionic Liquid)-Room Temperature IonicLiquid Composite Membranes, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2011, 50, 9344–9353. 影響因子:2.53 他引:23
7. Li, Pei; Zhao, Qichao; Anderson, Jared L., Sasidhar Varanasi,Coleman, Maria R.; Synthesis of Copolyimides Based on Room Temperature Ionic LiquidDiamines, Journal of Polymer Science PartA: Polymer Chemistry, 48, 4036–4046, 2010. 影響因子:3.54 他引:11
8. 李培,李繼定,趙之平,姜珍,陳翠仙,小分子在致密聚合物分子膜中擴散新模型。膜科學與技術, (2005), 25(6), 12-16. 他引:4
9. 李培,李繼定,趙之平,陳翠仙,于宏偉,張志華,乙醇分子在PPES, PPEK, PPESK 膜中動態吸收和解吸實驗研究。膜科學與技術 (2005), 25(3), 39-44. 他引:1
10. Lin Hao, Pei Li, Tai-Shung Chung, PIM-1 as an Organic Filler to Enhance the Gas SeparationPerformance of Ultem Polyetherimide, Journalof Membrane Science, 453, 2014, 614-623. 影響因子:4.09.
11. Cher Hon Lau, Pei Li, Fuyun Li, Tai-Shung Chung,Donald R. Paul, Reverse- selective polymeric membranes for gas separations,Progress in Polymer Science, 38 (5) 2013 740-766. 影響因子:26.38 他引:8.
12.Lin Hao, Pei Li, Tingxu Yang,Tai-Shung Chung, Room Temperature Ionic Liquid/ ZIF-8 Mixed Matrix Membranesfor Natural Gas Sweetening and Post-combustion CO2 Capture, Journalof Membrane Science, 436 (2013) 221-231. 影響因子:4.09 他引:9.
13. Hangzheng Chen, Pei Li, Tai-Shung Chuang, PVDF/ionicliquid polymer blends with superior separation performance for removing CO2from Hydrogen and flue gas, International journal of hydrogen energy, 2012,1-9. 影響因子:4.40他引:14.
14.JianzhongXia, Tai-Shung Chung, Pei Li, NormanR. Horn, D.R. Paul, Aging and carbon dioxide plasticization of thinpolyetherimide films, Polymer 53 (2012) 2099-2108.影響因子: 3.3 他引:11.
15. W.F. Yong, F.Y. Li, Y.C. Xiao, Pei Li, K.P. Pramoda, Y.W. Tong, T.S.Chung, Molecular engineering of PIM-1/Matrimid blend membranes for gasseparation, Journal of Membrane Science 407– 408 (2012) 47– 57. 影響因子:4.09 他引:21.
16. Hamid R. Hakimelahi, PeiLi, and Maria R. Coleman, Development and Characterization of IonicLiquid-Functionalized Nanocomposite Membranes, Chapter 6 of Modern Applicationsin Membrane Science and Technology, Edited by Isabel Escobar and Bart Van derBruggen. ACSSymposium Series他引:11. 1078, 2012.
17. Mohammad Askari, Youchang Xiao, Pei Li, Tai-Shung Chung, Natural gaspurification and olefin/paraffin separation using cross-linkable 6FDA-Durene/DABA co-polyimides grafted with a, b, and γ-cyclodextrin, Journal of Membrane Science 390– 391 (2012) 141–151. 影響因子:4.09 他引:19.
18. 陳劍,李繼定,李培,林陽政,陳翠仙,聚酰亞胺滲透汽化膜的研究(IV)模型研究膜材料性質及膜中傳質行為,膜科學與技術,30(2):8-11,2010.
19. Chuyi Zeng, Jiding Li, Pei Li, Tianquan Chen,Yangzhen Lin,DingWang, Cuixian Chen, “A novel transport model for sorption and desorption ofpenetrants in dense polymeric membranes” Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006)1892–1900. 影響因子:2.60他引:15.
1. Pei Li, T. S. Chung, The effects of substratecharacteristics and pre-wetting agents on PAN-PDMS composite hollow fibermembranes for CO2/N2 and O2/N2separation, The 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS 8) , 2013, Xi’anChina.
2. Pei Li, D. R. Paul, T. S. Chung, Poly(RTIL)-RTILcomposite membrane for CO2 separation from the flue gas, Oralpresentation. The North American Membrane Society (NAMs) 2012,USA.
3. Pei Li, K. P.Promoda, T. S. Chung, Synthesis of Poly(RTIL)-RTIL Composite Membranes for CO2/N2Separation, Oral Presentation, International Congress on Membanes and MembraneProcesses (ICOM) 2011,Netherland.
4. Pei Li, M.R. Coleman, Copolymerizedroom temperature ionic liquids with polyimides for gas separation process. OralPresentation, The North American Membrane Society (NAMs)2009, USA.
5. Pei Li, J. Anderson, M. R. Coleman, Development ofionic liquid/polyimide copolymers for CO2/H2 membranes.Poster presentation, ACS National Meeting, 2008, USA.
6. Pei Li, Copolymers of aromatic polyimides and ionicliquid for CO2/H2 membranes. Poster Presentation, 2007AICHE Annual Meeting, USA.