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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-05-06 相關院校:北京交通大學
辦公電話: 電子郵件: wangxi@bjtu.edu.cn
通訊地址: 郵編:
1. X.Q. Wu, W.G. Xia, X. Wang, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, Effect of surface reflectivity on photonic Doppler velocimetry measurement, Measurement Science and Technology, (2014) Accepted. (SCI)
2. X.Q. Wu, X. Wang, Y.P. Wei, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, An experimental method to measure dynamic stress-strain relationship of materials at high strain rates, International Journal of Impact Engineering, (2014) Accepted. (SCI)
3. X. Wang, W.G. Xia, X.Q. Wu, Y.P. Wei, C.G. Huang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of an austenite NiTi shape memory alloy treated with laser induced shock, Materials Science & Engineering A, 578, 1-5, (2013) (SCI)
4. Y.P. Wei, B.C. Wei, X. Wang, G.Y. Xu, L. Li, X.Q. Wu, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, A novel micro-scale plastic deformation feature on bulk metallic glass surface under laser shock peening, Chinese Physics Letter, 30. 030621, (2013). (SCI)
5. L.L. Lu, C.G. Huang, X. Wang, A damage identification method based on differential gradient of normalized strain, Applied Mechanics & Materials, 330, 321-330, (2013) (EI)
6. H.W. Song, X.Q. Wu, C.G. Huang, Y.P. Wei, X. Wang, Measurement of fast changing low velocities by photonic Doppler velocimetry, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 073301, (2012). (SCI)
7. X.Q. Wu, X. Wang, Y.P. Wei, H.W. Song, C.G. Huang, Parametric study on single shot peening by dimensional analysis method incorporated with finite element method, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28, 825-837, (2012). (SCI)
8. X.Q. Wu, Z.P. Duan, H.W. Song, Y.P. Wei, X. Wang, C.G. Huang, Shock pressure induced by glass-confined laser shock peening: Experiments, modeling and simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 053112, (2011). (SCI)
9. X.Q. Wu, C.G. Huang, X. Wang, H.W. Song, A new effective method to estimate the effect of laser shock peening, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38, 322-329, (2011). (SCI)
10.C. Eberl, X. Wang, D.S. Gianola, T.D. Nguyen, M.Y. He, A.G. Evans, K.J. Hemker, In-situ measurement of the toughness of the interface between a thermal barrier coating and a Ni alloy, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94, S120-127, (2011). (SCI)
11.C. Eberl, D.S. Gianola, X. Wang, M.Y. He, A.G. Evans, K.J. Hemker, A method for in-situ measurement of the elastic behavior of a columnar thermal barrier coating, Acta Materialia, 59, 3612-3620, (2011). (SCI)
12.Kniknie T, Bellouard Y, Homburg E, Nijmerjer H, Wang X, Vlassak JJ, On the use of shape memory alloy thin films to tune the dynamic response of micro-cantilevers, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20(1), 015939, (2010). (SCI)
13.N.S. Lu, X. Wang, Z.G. Suo, J.J. Vlassak, Failure by simultaneous grain growth, strain localization, and interface debonding in metal films on polymer substrate, Journal of Material Research, 24, 379-385, (2009). (SCI)
14.X. Wang, Y. Bellouard, Z.Y. Xue, J.J. Vlassak, Thermal modeling of laser annealing induced crystallization of amorphous NiTi thin films, Applied Physics A, 90, 689-694, (2008). (SCI)
15.X. Wang, M. Rein, J.J. Vlassak, Crystallization kinetics of amorphous equiatomic NiTi thin films: Effect of film thickness, Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 023501, (2008). (SCI)
16.N.S. Lu, X. Wang, Z.G. Suo, J.J. Vlassak, Metal films on polymer substrate stretched beyond 50%, Applied Physics Letter, 91, 221909, (2007). (SCI)
17.X. Wang, J.J. Vlassak, Crystallization kinetics of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloy thin films, Scripta Materialia, 54, 925-930 (2005). (SCI)
18.X. Wang, Y. Bellouard, J.J. Vlassak, Laser annealing of amorphous NiTi shape memory alloy thin films to locally induce shape memory properties, Acta Materialia, 53, 4955-4961 (2005). (SCI)
19.J.J. Vlassak, M. Ciavarella, J.R. Barber, X. Wang, The indentation modulus of elastically anisotropic materials for indenters of arbitrary shape, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 1701-1721 (2003). (SCI)
20.J.L. Yu, X. Wang, Z.G. Wei, E.H. Wang, Deformation and failure mechanism of dynamically loaded sandwich beams with aluminum-foam core, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 28, 331-347 (2003). (SCI)
21.夏偉光,吳先前,魏延鵬,黃晨光,王曦. 激光沖擊強化對NiTi形狀記憶合金力學性質影響,中國激光,40(11),1103002-1~1103002-6 (2013)(EI)
22.路玲玲,黃晨光,王曦. 基于歸一化應變梯度變化的損傷識別方法研究,中國科學E輯,43,574-584,(2013)(EI)
23.袁武,王曦,宋宏偉,黃晨光. 輕質金屬點陣夾層板熱屈曲臨界溫度分析,固體力學學報,35(1),1-7,(2014)(EI)
24.柳沅汛,王曦,吳先前,黃晨光. 激光沖擊處理304不銹鋼表面的形貌特征及其機理分析,中國激光,40,1-8,(2013).(EI)
25.路玲玲,王曦,黃晨光. 結構健康監測系統中傳感器優化布置組合算法, 力學與實踐,34,80-84,(2012).(核心)
26.宋宏偉,吳先前,王健,黃晨光,魏延鵬,王曦. 光纖激光干涉測量激光沖擊強化自由表面速度,中國科學E輯,42,1-5,(2012).(EI)
27.李劍榮,王曦,虞吉林,粗晶粒Al多晶試件拉伸變形局部化的數值模擬,金屬學報,37(7),717-722 (2001).(EI)
28.王曦,虞吉林,泡沫鋁的單向力學行為,實驗力學,16(4),438-443 (2001).(核心)