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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2016-03-27 相關院校:北京交通大學
本科生課程:電子商務概論; 管理信息系統;企業資源規劃;互聯網與電子商務;企業信息化技術;決策支持系統;專業英語;模糊邏輯與控制理論;
16.財政部中央文化企業資本預算支出項目 “基于版權保護的數字出版物加工平臺建設”
32.橫向資助項目“Enhancement of Mobile Learning for Bamboo”
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[1] 張潤彤,《電子商務概論(第3版)》,北京:電子工業出版社,2015年1月
[2] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,耿建東,《國家科技創新系統與可持續發展》,北京:北京交通大學出版社,2014年12月
[3] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《電子商務概論(第二版)》,北京:中國人民大學出版社, 2014年10月
[4] 張潤彤,《電子商務(第3版)》,北京:科學出版社, 2014年2月
[5] 朱曉敏,劉紅璐,黃磊,張潤彤,《電子商務管理》,北京:電子工業出版社,2013年1月
[6] 張潤彤,程紫來,《移動商務導論》,北京:經濟管理出版社,2012年11月
[7] 張潤彤,田佳麗,《移動商務安全》,北京:經濟管理出版社,2012年11月
[8] Runtong Zhang, Juliang Zhang, Zhenji Zhang, Joaquim Filipe, and José Cordeiro, "Enterprise Information Systems", Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2012.
[9] 戴宏,張潤彤,《移動商務安全》,北京:對外經貿大學出版社,2012年2月
[10] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《服務科學概論》,北京:清華大學出版社,2011年3月
[11] 張潤彤,耿建東《電子商務概論》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2010年7月
[12] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,《知識管理概論》,北京:高等教育出版社,2010年6月
[13] 張潤彤,《電子商務(第2版)》,北京:科學出版社,2009年12月
[14] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《服務科學概論》,北京:電子工業出版社,2009年11月
[15] 張潤彤,《電子商務概論(第2版)》,北京:電子工業出版社,2009年3月
[16] 張潤彤,石聲波,《電子商務管理》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2009年1月
[17] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《移動商務概論》,北京:北京大學出版社,2008年9月
[18] 張真繼,張潤彤,《網絡社會生態學》,北京:電子工業出版社,2008年7月
[19] 張潤彤,楊林,陳煒,《移動商務基礎》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2008年6月
[20] 張潤彤,周建勤,《電子商務物流管理》,大連:東北財經大學出版社,2008年1月
[21] 張真繼,張潤彤,《信息管理前沿理論與技術研究》,北京:電子工業出版社,2007年8月
[22] 張潤彤,藍天,朱曉敏,《知識管理概論(第2版)》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2007年2月
[23] 張潤彤,樊寧《網格就是商務》,北京:清華大學出版社,北京交通大學出版社,2006年9月
[24] 張潤彤,鄭豐,《電子商務》,北京:清華大學出版社,2006年9月
[25] 張潤彤,樊寧,王立波,《電子商務教程》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2006年8月
[26] 張潤彤,藍天,《知識管理教程》,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年11月
[27] 張潤彤,《電子商務》,北京:科學出版社出版社,2005年9月
[28] 張潤彤,曹宗媛,朱曉敏,《知識管理概論》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2005年3月
[29] Runtong Zhang, Vassilis S. Kouikoglou and Yannis A. Phillis, "Fuzzy Systems for Queuing Control", Springer-Verlag, London, UK, May 2004.
[30] 姚家奕,呂希艷,張潤彤,《管理信息系統》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2003年11月
[31] 張潤彤,《電子商務基礎教程》,北京:首都經貿大學出版社,2003年3月
[32] 張潤彤,《電子商務概論》,北京:電子工業出版社,2003年1月
[33] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《知識管理學》,北京:中國鐵道出版社,2002年3月
[34] 張潤彤,《排隊控制理論與應用(英文)》,北京:清華大學出版社,2002年1月
[35] 張潤彤,張鐸,朱曉敏,朱兵,《電子商務教程》,北京:中國鐵道出版社,2000年12月
[36] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,《電子商務》,北京:北京出版社,1999年7月
[37] 矯云起,張鐸,張東海,張潤彤,《電子商務》,北京:中國鐵道出版社,1999年3月
[1] 冉青云,宋佳偉,張潤彤,莫仁鵬,張杰,“一基于web的網絡信息整合方法”,申請日期:2013年4月28日;申請號:201310152593.9;公開日期:2013年8月14日;公開號:CN103246719A;授權日期:2015年12月4日;授權號:201310152593.9。
[2] 尚小溥,朱曉敏,張潤彤 ,“一種基于IPv6的無線傳感器網絡結構及子網內切換方法 ”,申請日期:2012年12月15日;申請號:201210297944.0授權日期:2015年7月29日;授權號:ZL 201210297944.0。
[3] 張潤彤,王文艷,朱曉敏,尚小溥,黃榮環,劉紅璐,李伊松,魯曉春,“一種基于信號檢測技術的視頻數據合成方法”,申請日期:2012年2月14日;申請號:201210033261.4公開日期:2012年7月21日;公開號:CN102595099A;授權日期:2014年12月10日;授權號:201210033261.4。
[4] 尚小溥,張潤彤,朱曉敏,李丹丹,華蕊,楊澤東,谷秀君,“基于一次性口令的移動終端身份認證方法和系統”,申請日期:2010年12月17日;申請號:2010594453.3;公開日期:2011年4月20日;公開號:CN102026195A;授權日期:2013年5月15日;授權號:ZL 2010 1 0594453.3
[5] 朱曉敏,谷秀君,張潤彤,尚小溥,李丹丹,華蕊,李巖,“一種基于認知網絡的網絡流量預測方法和裝置”,申請日期:2010年12月20日,申請號:201010585259.9公開日期:2011年5月11日;公開號:CN102056183A;授權日期:2013年8月21日;授權號:ZL201010585259.9
[6] 尚小溥,張潤彤,朱曉敏,李丹丹,華蕊,楊澤東,谷秀君,“基于一次性口令的移動終端身份認證方法和系統”,申請日期:2010年12月17日;申請號:2010594453.3;公開日期:2011年4月20日;公開號:CN102026195A;授權日期:2013年5月15日;授權號:ZL 2010 1 0594453.3。
[7] 邢建兵,張潤彤,吳產樂,毛武興,薛秦生,李瑞林,“基于服務質量的Web服務注冊與發現系統及其方法”,申請日期:2005年12月8日,申請號:200510134501.X;公開日期:2006年5月24日,公開號:CN 1777190A;授權日期:2009年5月30日;授權號:CN 100488202C。
[8] Ma J., Zhang D., Zhang R., and Kan Z., "Changing Transmission Window Sizes when Handovers Occur between Heterogeneous Access Media", Application No. NC31545, Application Date: December, 10, 2001. Patent No.: 7706269. 27, Grant Date: Apr 2010.
A. 國際刊物:
[1] Xia, M., Zhang, R. and Badr, Y., "Choquet-based multi-criteria decision making with objective and subjective information", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Accepted
[2] Xiang, X., Zhu, X., and Zhang, R., “Modeling and Simulation for Automatic Train Protection Systems Using an Integrated Algorithm”, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Accepted
[3] Shang, X., Zhang, R., Zhu, X. and Zhou, Q., "Design Theory, Modeling and the Application for the Internet of Things Service", Enterprise Information Systems, Online available, DOI: 10.1080/17517575.2015.1075592
[4] Zhang, R., Zhou, Y., Zhuang H., and Zhu, X., "Study on the Project Supervision System Based on the Principal-Agent Theory", Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 247-263, March 2015.
[5] Zhang R., Chu F., Yuan Q., and Dai W., “A study on an energy conservation and interconnection scheme between WSN and Internet based on the 6LoWPAN”, Mobile Information Systems journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 592613, 11 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/592613
[6] Chen, D., Zhu, X., Dai, W. and Zhang, R., “Socially Aware Mobile Application Integrations in Heterogeneous Environments”, Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 61-70, January 2015.
[7] Shang X., Zhang R., Li X., “An Intra-PAN Mobility Management Scheme for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 270-278, October 2014
[8] Wang, L., Zhang, R. and Ruan H., “A Personalized Recommendation Model in E Commerce Based on TOPSIS Algorithm”, Journal of E-Commerce in Organizations, Vol 12, No. 2, pp. 89-100, June 2014.
[9] Zhang, S., Zhu, X., Geng J. and Zhang R., “Evaluation of Enterprise Performance Based on FLI-GA Model”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 373-389, May 2014.
[10] Zhu, X., Zhang R., Chu, F., He, Z. and Li, J., “A Flexsim-based Optimization for the Operation Process of Cold-Chain Logistics Distribution Center”, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 270-278, April 2014.
[11] Chu, F., Zhang, R., Wang, B. and Dai W., “Study on Classification of China Seaports Development Types Based on Clustering Analysis”, Advance in Transportation Studies, 2013 Special Issue, pp.61-72, April 2014
[12] Shang, X., Zhang, R. and Chu F., “An inter-PAN mobility support scheme for IP-based wireless sensor networks and its applications”, Information Technology and Management, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 183-192, September 2013.
[13] Li, D., Zhang, R., Shang, X., and Chen, Y., “Resource Management Using Borrowing from Reservation for Cognitive Networks”, High Technology Letters, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 301-308, September 2013.
[14] Li, J., Zhu, X. and Zhang R., “A Novel Optimization Method on Logistics Operation for Warehouse & Port Enterprises Based on Game Theory”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol 6, No 4, pp. 895-908, September 2013.
[15] Zhu X., Zhang R., Dai W. Zhang Z., Li, J., “Performance and Safety Assessment of ATO Systems in Urban Rail Transit System in China”, ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 7, pp. 728–737, July 2013.
[16] Zhu, X., Shang, X., Wang, C. and Zhang, R., “MOTP: An Identity Authentication Scheme for M-Commerce”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 146-150, January 2013.
[17] Liu, Z., Li, Y., Dai W. and Zhang R., “Current situation and countermeasures of port logistics park information construction”, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 227-236, January 2013.
[18] Hai X., Zhang R., Zhao C., Jiang X., “Cluster Analysis of Railway Environmental Monitoring Data”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol.8, No.12, pp.7553-7560, December 2012.
[19] Chen, Y., Zhang, R. and Zhang S., “Service Encapsulation Based Model for Smart Campus”, Journal of E-Commerce in Organizations, Vol 10, No. 4, pp. 31-41, December 2012.
[20] Hai, X., Zhang, R., Zhao, C., Gao, B. and Peng, J., “Hierarchical Dividing of Train Station in Passenger Dedicated Line based on Self-Organizing Map”. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 265-271, October 2012.
[21] Shang, X, Zhang, R. and Chen Y., “Internet of Things (IoT) Service: Architecture and its application in e-commerce”, Journal of E-Commerce in Organizations, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 44-55, September 2012.
[22] Lv, X., Zhang, R. and Jiang, Y., “Competition and Cooperation between Participants of the Internet of Things Industry Value Chain”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 406-412, June 2012.
[23] Li, D., Zhang, R. and Wang, C., “Efficient Group Key Management Scheme with Hierarchy Structure”, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 349-353, April 2012.
[24] Lv, X. and Zhang, R., “Profits distribution of operators led internet of things industrial value chain based on game theory”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 55-62, Jan. 2012.
[25] Shang, X., Zhang, R. and Chen, D. and Chen, Y., “Agent-based EPC-RFID Network for Smart Awareness System”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol.3, No.6, pp. 349-356, July 2011.
[26] Li, D., Zhang, R. and Shang, X., “A New Model based on Neural Network for Network Traffic Prediction”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 151-159, July 2011.
[27] Wang, C., Zhang, R. and Li, D., “The Comparative Study of Supply Chain between Traditional and Electronic Publishing Industry”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 160-166, July 2011.
[28] Chen, Y., Zhang, R. Li, H., Li, R. and Gao, Y., “CALIS-Based Cloud Library Services Platform Model”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 204-212, July 2011.
[29] Li, D., Zhang, R. and Wang, R., “A Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm with Congestion Av5oidance Based upon Ant Colony Algorithm in Cognitive Networks”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 2473-2482, August 2010.
[30] Lin, H., Zhang, R., and Andersson, Birger, “A Conceptual Model of Connection of Strategies and Operations in Organizations:A Perspective of Management Control”, International Journal of Service Operations and Informatics, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 158-195, April 2010.
[31] Zhang, R., “Editorial”, International Journal of Service Operations and Informatics, Vol 4, No 4, pp. 1-2, October 2009.
[32] Wall, K., Lin, H., Zhang, R., Lei, X., “A Study on the Chinese Ethical Evolution and its Effects on SMB in China Today”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 4, No 3, pp. 15-25, March 2009.
[33] Chen, L. and Zhang, R., “A Novel Adaptive Semi-fragile Watermark Based on Image Content”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, pp. 1069-1076, Volume 5, Number 3, May, 2008.
[34] Wall, K., Zhang, R., Yang, Y. and Lin, H., “A study on the Chinese beliefs and their effects on small and medium sized business”, Ecological Economy, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 373-382, March 2008.
[35] Chen, W., Zhang, R., Zhang. W. and Cai, Y., “A fuzzy portfolio selection decision methodology under investing constraints”, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, ASC 40, pp. 564-572, Springer-Verlag, May 2007.
[36] Zhang, R. and Zhu, X., “Fuzzy routing in QoS networks”, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, 2005.
[37] Yao, J. and Zhang, R. “Security and auditing protection method for statistical database”, China-USA Business Review, vol. 6, 2005.
[38] Yao, J. and Zhang, R. “The designing of CRM based on data warehouse”, Chinese Business Review, vol. 6, 2005.
[39] Lin, H. and Zhang, R. “Mathematic Tools of Information Intelligence Analysis”, International Journal of Advances in Systems Science and Applications, vol.4 (3), pp.341-348, September 2004
[40] Zhang, R., Phillis, Y. A. and J. Ma, “A fuzzy approach to the balance of drops and delay priorities in differentiated services networks”, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Volume: 11 , Issue: 6 , pp. 840 – 846, Dec. 2003
[41] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., “Fuzzy assignment of customers for a parallel queuing system with two heterogeneous servers”, J. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3,4, 163-169, 2002.
[42] Wu, H., Long, K., Cheng, S. Ma, J. and Zhang, R., "Fairness of responsive and un-responsive aggregate for assured forwarding PHB in differentiated services IP networks", Journal of software, vol. 12, no. 11, pp.1601-1607, Nov. 2001
[43] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., "Admission control and scheduling in simple series parallel networks using fuzzy logic", IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol.9, no.2, pp. 307-314, April 2001.
[44] Long, K., R. Tucker, Cheng, S., Ma, J. and Zhang, R., "A new approach to multi_layer network survivability: strategies, model and algorithm", Journal of High Speed Network, No.10, No. 2, pp127-134, Feb. 2001.
[45] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., “Fuzzy control of two-station queueing networks with two types of customers”, J. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 8, 27-42, 2000.
[46] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., “Fuzzy control of queueing systems with heterogeneous servers”, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol.7, no.1, pp. 17-26, Feb. 1999.
[47] Phillis, Y. A. and Zhang, R., “Fuzzy service rate control of queueing systems”, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol. 29, No. 4 , pp. 503 -517 Aug. 1999.
[48] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., “Fuzzy control of arrivals to a tandem queueing system”, IEEE Trans on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 7. No. 3, pp. 361-167, 1999.
[49] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A., “A fuzzy approach to the flow control problem”, J. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 6, pp. 447-458, 1998.
[50] Zhu, X. and Zhang, R., “Fuzzy scheduling of coupled customers to a queueing network with parallel servers”, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 7. No. 4, pp. 482-487, 1998.
B. 國際會議論文集:
[51] Wang, J., Zhang, R. and Wang J., “Research on the Distribution System in E-commerce Logistics Based on Gridding Management”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2015), pp. 211-215, July 27-29, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
[52] Qiao, L. and Zhang, R., “Personalized recommendation algorithm based on situation awareness”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2015), pp. 782-785, July 27-29, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
[53] Zhou, W., Zhang, R. and Zhou Y., “Research on the Impact of Foreign Capital on China's Retail Industry Security”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2015), pp. 913-917, July 27-29, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
[54] Zhang K. and Zhang, R., “ Mobile Informatization System Research Based on XML”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Management, Innovation and Development (MID’2014), pp. 361-366, 25-26 October, 2014, Beijing, China.
[55] Shang, X., Zhang, R., Guan, Z. and Dai W.,, “An Energy Efficient Sensor Data Convergence Model Adaptable for Cold Chain Monitoring”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS’2014), pp. 527-532, 10-12 September, 2014, Salerno, Italy.
[56] Zhou, Z., Zhang, R., Lin, Y. and Wang, R., “A Comparison for the Simplicity Measures of Intuition Fuzzy Sets”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2014), pp.1048-1053, July 23-26, 2014, Berkeley, US.
[57] Zhuang, H. and Zhang, R., “Study on the Supervision System Based on the Theory of Information Economics”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2014), pp.462-467, July 23-26, 2014, Berkeley, US.
[58] Chen, D., Zhu, X., Zhang, R. and Shen, H., “An Intelligent Forecasting Model for Commodities in Retail Stores”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2014), pp.414-419, July 23-26, 2014, Berkeley, US..
[59] Chu, F., Zhang, R., Ni, R. and Dai W.,, “An Improved Database Inspection System for E-commerce Companies based on Web Data Mining”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS’2013), pp.775-779, 9-11 September, 2013, Xi’an, China.
[60] Yuan, Q., Zhang, R., Chu, F. and Dai W., “ECIS, an Energy Conservation and Interconnection Scheme between WSN and Internet Based on the 6LoWPAN”, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS’2013), pp. 565-570, September 4-6, 2013, Gwangju, Korea.
[61] Chu, F., Zhang, R., Ni, R. and Dai W., “An Improved Identity Authentication Scheme for Internet of Things in Heterogeneous Networking Environments”, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS’2013), pp. 589-593, September 4-6, 2013, Gwangju, Korea.
[62] Wang, B., Zhang, R., Chu, F., and Dai, W., “A Study on Classification of China Seaports Development Types Based on FCM”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS’2013), pp.175-179, 20-22 August, 2013, Reading, UK.
[63] Zhu X., Chen D., Dai W. and Zhang R., “An Integration Technology for Socially Aware Mobile Applications in Heterogeneous Networking Environments”, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS’2012), pp.494-499, September 26-28, 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
[64] Chen Y., Zhang R., Shang X. and Zhang S., “An Intelligent Campus Space Model Based on the Service Encapsulatio”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 2, pp.213-218, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[65] Li Y., Zhang R., Shang X., and Li D., “Research on Web-Aware under the Environment of Cloud Computing”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 2, pp.271-276, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[66] Liu Z. and Zhang R., “Information Construction of Port Logistics Park”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 2, pp.429-434, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[67] Li X. and Zhang R., “The risk assessment of logistic finance based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 1, pp.383-388, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[68] Lv X., Zhang R., and Sun H., “Study on Profits Distribution of Internet of Things Industry Value Chain Led by Operators”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 1, pp.531-536, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[69] Zhou Q. and Zhang R., “A Survey on All-IP Wireless Senor Network”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2012), Volume 2, pp.47-52, July 12-15, 2012, Beijing, China.
[70] Hai, X., Zhang, R. and Zhao, C. and Jia, P., “Research on Forecasting Method of Railway Passenger Transport Demand”. Proc. The 3rd Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM’2012), pp. 1569-1572, March 23~25, 2012, Shanghai, China.
[71] Hai, X., Zhang, R. and Zhao, C. and Liu, D., “Research on Multiobjective Bi-level Programming Model of Train Working Plan for Passenger Dedicated Line”, 2012 International Conference on Management Innovation and Public Policy (ICMIPP 2012), pp. 2715-2718, January 7-8, 2012, Chongqing, China.
[72] Leung, J., Chu, S. C., Cheung, W., and Zhang R., “Towards a Reference Framework for RFID-enabled Garment SC Visibility,” Proceedings of International Conference of Electronic Commerce, pp. 28-32, November, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
[73] Shang, X., Zhang, R. and Chen, Y., “A Novel Architecture for Service-orientated Internet of Things”, 6th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO’2011), pp. 37-40, November 11-13, 2011, Hangzhou, China.
[74] Li, H., X., Zhang, R. and Chen, Y., “Analysis of the Application of Cloud Computing in Digital Library and Information Service”, 6th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO’2011), pp. 87-91, November 11-13, 2011, Hangzhou, China.
[75] Huang R., Zhang, R., and Chen H., “The Application of RFID Technology in Cold Chain Logistics Food Traceability”, 6th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO’2011), pp. 436-440, November 11-13, 2011, Hangzhou, China.
[76] Wu, X., Zhang, R., Wu, X., Liu, X., Liu, L., and Niu, D., “The Effects of Regional Factors on Automobile Insurance Rate In China”, 6th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO’2011), pp. 467-471, November 11-13, 2011, Hangzhou, China.
[77] Cui, L., Zhang, W., Zhang, R., Zhai, H., Zhang X. and Xie, X., “Researches on the novel methodology of traffic flow prediction based on similarity”, Proc. 3rd International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR’2011) , pp. 296 - 300, Oct. 14-16, 2011, Dalian, China
[78] Li, D., Zhang, R. and Shang, X., “A New Network Traffic Prediction in Cognitive Networks”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 1, pp. 421-435, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[79] Lin, Y., Th´er`ese Libourel , Isabelle Mougenot, Zhang, R. and Ni, R., “Approach for Verifying Workflow Validity”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 3, pp66-75, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[80] Ni, R., Zhang, R., Lin, Y. and Th´er`ese Libourel, “Optimized Model of Information Transfer in Virtual Enterprise in Cloud Computing Environment”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 4, pp195-202, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[81] Chen, Y., Zhang, R. and Shang, X., “The Construction and Trend of Intelligent Information Campus”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 4, pp505-508, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[82] Yang, L., Zhang, R. and Chen, W., “The Construction of Dynamic Capabilities for Publishing Enterprises – A Business Ecosystem Perspective”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 4, pp636-644, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[83] Wang, C., Zhang, R. and Li, D. and Cheung, W., “The Research of Supply Chain Between Traditional and Electronic Publishing Industry”, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’2011), Vol. 4, pp678-684, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China.
[84] Cui, L., Zhang, W. and Zhang, R., “Modeling of Nonlinear Network Traffic Prediction Based on Neural Network”, Proc. 2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing (FSNC 2011), pp.25-28, Feb 20, 2011, Hong Kong, China
[85] Wang, L., and Zhang, R., “An Security-enhanced Authentication System Based on OTP System in E-Commerce”, Proc. The 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010), August 24-26, 2010, Wuhan, China.
[86] Zhao, N., and Zhang, R., “Research on the Safety Assessment of Identity Authentication in Mobile-commerce System Based on Hierarchical Analysis Method”, Proc. The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP 2010), August 21-23, 2010, Wuhan, China.
[87] Gu, X., Zhang, R., Li, Z. and Han X., “Research on the Classification Consultations and Self-Adaptation of QoS in Cognitive Networks”, Proc. The 12th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), pp218-225, July 19-21, 2010, Beijing, China.
[88] Hua, R., Zhang, R. and Li, D., “Security Analysis of Authentication Schemes in M-Commerce Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation”, Proc. The 12th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), pp245-251, July 19-21, 2010, Beijing, China.
[89] Wang, L., and Zhang, R., “An Anti-DoS Authentication System in M-Commerce”, Proc. The 12th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), pp 252-255, July 19-21, 2010, Beijing, China.
[90] Wang, L., and Zhang, R., “A Compact Authentication System for Applications of Two-dimensional Code in Mobile Commerce”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2010), July 5 - 7, 2010, Dalian, China, Accepted.
[91] Wang, S., Zhang, Z., Guan, X. and Zhang, R., “Research of Energy Flow in Net Social Ecology System”, Proc. 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management (ICLSIM 2010), Volume 2 of 3, pp1144-1148, January 9-10, 2010, Harbin, China.
[92] Zhao, N., Zhang, R. and Han, L., “A Combination of Encryption and Compression Algorithm Based on Huffman”, Proc. The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2009), pp. 411-415, May 30-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
[93] Wang. Q. and Zhang, R., “An improved OTP System Based on Identity of Mobile Equipment”, Proc. The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2009), pp. 611-616, May 30-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
[94] Yao, J., and Zhang, R., “A Combination of Encryption and Compression Algorithm Based on Huffman”, Proc. The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2009), pp. 2827-2832, May 30-31, 2009, Wuhan, China
[95] Yang, L., Zhang, R. and Chen, W., “Study on Knowledge sharing mechanism of supply chain based on dynamic capabilities”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 2, pp. 2391-2396, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[96] Guan, X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, R. and Liu, H., “An analysis of modeling and evolution of ecosystem of cyber-society based on system dynamics”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 2, pp. 1928-1932, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[97] Liu, H., Zuo, J. Zhang Z. and Zhang, R., “The construction of ecological logistics park based on network shape enterprises symbiotic relationship model”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 2, pp. 1643-1647, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[98] Lin, H., Zhang, R. and Ye, G “Integrating management control with strategic decision in MCS and IS”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 1072-1077, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China.
[99] Yang, M., Zhang, R. and Wang, Q., “New authentication scheme for m-commerce based on two dimension bar code”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 1029-1034, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[100] Yao, J. and Zhang, R., “Study of data mining algorithm on logistics net”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 212-215, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China.
[101] Lan T. and Zhang, R., “Performance evaluation of tacit knowledge management based on multiple indicator ideal interval methods”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 858-864, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[102] Han F. and Zhang, R., “An improved mobile e-commerce identity authentication mechanism – IEIA and its simulation”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 610-615, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[103] Dai, H., Zhang, R. and Lan, T. “Risk Assessment Management for Mobile payment security”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), pp. 1966-1970, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[104] Chen L. and Zhang, R., “A fast encryption mode for block cipher with integrity authentication”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 573-576, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[105] Wang, L. and Zhang, R., “An improved OTP system based on bidirectional virtual authorization in mobile commerce”, Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI'08), vol. 1, pp. 569-572, October 12-15, 2008, Beijing, China
[106] Gao, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, R. and Chang, D., “Symbiotic Virtual Enterprise Cluster Ecological Balance Model and Stability Analysis”, Proc. The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08), August 25-8.27, 2008, Jinan, China
[107] Liu, H., Zuo, J., Zhang, Z. and Zhang R., “Diversity Measurement Research on Cluster Species of Network Society”, Proc. The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08), August 25-27, 2008, Jinan, China.
[108] Guan X., Zhang, Z., Liu H. and Zhang R. “Factor Interaction and Evaluation of the Enterprise Niche based on Mutation”, Proc. The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08), August 25-27, 2008, Jinan, China.
[109] Chen L. and Zhang, R., “A key-dependent cipher”, Proc. The International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security (ISECS’2008), pp.310-313, August 3-5 2008, Guangzhou, China
[110] Lan, T., Zhang, R. and Dai, H., “A New Frame of Knowledge Discovery”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (WKDD’2008), pp. 607-611, 23-24 January, 2008, Adelaide, Australia
[111] Wang, Q., Zhang, R., and Sun Z, “Design and Implementation of EIC Algorithm in Mobile Business”, Proc. 2008 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications (DCABES 2008), pp. 522-527, 27- 31 July, 2008, Dalian, China,
[112] Wang, Q., Zhang, R., and Wang H., “An improved Design and Implementation of Authentication Technology Based on OTP in Mobile Commerce”, Proc. 2008 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications (DCABES 2008), pp. 539-545, 27- 31 July, 2008, Dalian, China,
[113] Zhang, R. and Chen L., “A block cipher using key-dependent K-box and P-boxes”, 2008 Proc. The IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (IEEE/ISIE’2008), pp. 1463-1468, June 30-July 2, 2008, Cambridge, UK
[114] Lin, H.., Zhang, R. Deng B. and Zhao S., “Comparing analysis of three SMEs’ E-commerce solutions: The homegrown solution, the packaged platform, and the third-party platform”, Proc. The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB’2008), 31 May-1 June 2008, Wuhan, China
[115] Zuo, J., Liu, H., Zhang, Z. and Zhang, R., “The Construction of the Ecological Logistics Park Based on Enterprises Symbiotic Relationship Model”, Proc. The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB’2008), 31 May-1 June 2008, Wuhan, China
[116] Tian, Z., Liu, H., Zhang, Z. and Zhang, R., “Research on Niche Construction of E-Commerce Websites and Evolutionary Prediction Model”, Proc. The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB’2008), 31 May-1 June 2008, Wuhan, China
[117] Wang, Q., Zhang, R., and Sun Z, “Design and Implementation of EIC Algorithm in Mobile Business”, Proc. 2008 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications (DCABES 2008), pp. 522-527, 27- 31 July, 2008, Dalian, China
[118] Zheng, F., Zhang, R. and He L., “A Prospective Study of the Price Behaviors of Chinese Stock Markets”, Proc. The 26th Chinese Control Conference (26th CCC), 26-31 August 2007, Zhangjiajie, China
[119] Ye S., Zhang, R. and Yan M., “A multi-bases coordination risk control model”, Proc. Global Mobile Congress (GMC07), pp. 320-325, 10-12 October, 2007, Shanghai, China.
[120] Kan Z. and Zhang, R., “Design and management of mobile applications”, Proc. Global Mobile Congress (GMC07), pp. 7-12, 10-12 October, 2007, Shanghai, China.
[121] Zheng, F., Zhang, R., Zhang T. and He L., “Simple Mathematical Model for Financial Market Structure Analysis”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE’2007), 25-28 August 2007, Wuhan, China.
[122] Ye S. and Zhang, R., “Research For Embedding Mergers & Acquisitions Factor Into Credit Rating”, Proc. Orient Academic Forum, July 2007, Australia.
[123] Zheng, F. and Zhang, R., “Fractal Characters in Emergent Financial Market: An Example of Chinese Stock Market”, Proc. The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB’2006), 26-27 May 2007, Wuhan, China
[124] Zhang, R. and Zhu, X., “Congestion Control Using Fuzzy Logic in QoS Networks”, Proc. 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS’2006), pp. 105-108, November 2006, Guangzhou, China.
[125] Zheng F., and Zhang R., “Zipf analysis of Shanghai stock market price behavior”, 2006 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2006), pp. 674-678, 8-10 November 2006, Wuhan, China
[126] Dai H. and Zhang R., “Road freight system in coal mine supported with information technology”, Proc. of 2006 International Conference On Logistics And Supply Chain Management, 15-17 October 2006. Hangzhou , China
[127] Yang L. and Zhang R., “Evaluation of enterprise knowledge management based on fuzzy gravity center”, Proc. of Eighth West Lake Intel. Conf. on Small Middle Business, 15-17 October 2006. Hangzhou , China
[128] Lan T. and Zhang R., “Research on supply chain knowledge management systems”, Proc. of Eighth West Lake Intel. Conf. on Small Middle Business, 15-17 October 2006. Hangzhou , China
[129] Chen W., Zhang R., and Cai Y., “Particle swarm optimization for constrained portfolio selection problems”, The fifth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2006), Vol 7, No. 4, pp.2425-2429, 13-16 August 2006, Guangzhou, China
[130] Yao J., Zhang R. and Wang W., "Reasearch of data mining algorithm on logistics nodes arrangement and establishment location", Proc. 13th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (ICIEEM’2006), Weifang, China, pp. 1248-1252, June 12-14, 2006.
[131] Lv X., and Zhang R., "Automata, A Powerful Approach of Machine Learning", Proc. 2006 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI2006), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA , June 26-29, 2006.
[132] Lan T. and Zhang R., Dai H., “Knowledge management Strategies of Organizational”, Proc. the 13th International Academic Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, June 2006
[133] Chen W., Zhang R. and Zhang W., "Management of Stochastic Portfolio using Improved Genetic Algorithms", Proc. The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2006), Vol 12, No. 5, pp. 3557-3561, 21 - 23 June 2006, Dalian, China
[134] Lv X., Zhang R. and Zhu X., "On the TCP optimization in IP RAN", Proc. 2005 Global Mobile Congress (GMC)’05, 10 - 12 October, 2005, Chongqing, China
[135] Dai H., and Zhang R., " Mobile Terminal Intrusion Detection System Based On Intelligent Agent", Proc. 2005 Global Mobile Congress (GMC)’05, 10 - 12 October, 2005, Chongqing, China
[136] Lan T., Zhang R. and Dai H., “Information Technology Bring Completive Advantage in Logistics”, Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE SOLI’05), pp. 997~1001, 10-12 August, 2005, Beijing, China
[137] Lan T., Zhang R. and Dai H., “RT-CRM: Real-Time Channel-based Operation”, Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE SOLI’05), pp. 659~662, 10-12 August, 2005, Beijing, China
[138] Chen W. and Zhang R., "Stochastic Portfolio Model and Its Application for Genetic Algorithms", Proc. The fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), 19-21 August, Guanzhou, China
[139] Chen W., Zhang R. and Zhang W., "The Adaptive genetic algorithms for the reliable decision of portfolio management", Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE SOLI’05), 10-12 August, 2005, Beijing, China
[140] Yao J., Zhang R. and Zhang, X.,"OLAM on foundation of supply chain data warehouse", Proc. 2004 International Conference on MF/Logistics, pp. 263 -267, 22 - 24 May, 2004, Beijing, China
[141] Zhang R. and Yang, D.,"A Differentiated Services Scheme with Feedback Preference Information in the case of strict queueing algorithm", Proc. IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2003), pp. 465 -470, 8 - 10 September, 2003, Benalmadena, Spain
[142] Jiang Y., Pehrson B. and Zhang R., "Measuring and evaluating the current BGP policy model", Proc. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC 2003), pp. 1167 -1171, June 30 - July 3, 2003, Kemer - Antalya, Turkey
[143] Zhang R. and Long, K., "A fuzzy approach to the admission control in DiffServ Networks", Proc. 2002 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'02), vol. 1, pp. 305-309, 18 - 22 November, 2002, Singapore.
[144] Zhang R. and Long, K., "A Fuzzy Routing Mechanism in Next-Generation Networks", Proc. IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2002), pp. 86-91, 1 - 4 October, 2002, Tsukuba City, Japan.
[145] Zhang R. and Long, K., "QoS Issues in Mobile IP: Challenges, Requirements and Solutions", Proc. International Conference on Computer Communications (ICCC 2002), vol. II, pp. 802-812, 11 - 14 August, 2002, Mumbai, India.
[146] Zhang, R., Zhang, D., Kan, Z. and Ma, J., "Computation Migration based on Mobile IP and Intelligent Agent Techniques", Proc. 2001 International Conference on Information Technology and Information Networks (ICII'2001), vol. C, pp. 251-255, 30 October - 1 November 2001, Beijing, China
[147] Wang, Q., Long, K., Cheng, S. and Zhang, R., "TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Schemes in the Internet", Proc. 2001 International Conference on Information Technology and Information Networks (ICII'2001), vol. B, pp. 205-210, 30 October - 1 November 2001, Beijing, China
[148] Wang, Q., Long, K., Cheng, S. and Zhang, R., "Cooperative Adjusted RED in DiffServ Networks", Proc. 2001 International Conference on Information Technology and Information Networks (ICII'2001), vol. B, pp. 211-216, 30 October - 1 November 2001, Beijing, China
[149] Zhang, D., Zhang, R., Kan, G., Cuny, R., Ruutu, R., Ma, J., "TCP over 2.5G and 3G wireless networks", Proc. 2001 International Conference on Information Technology and Information Networks (ICII'2001), vol. B, pp. 145-150, 30 October - 1 November 2001, Beijing, China
[150] Kan Z., Zhang D., Zhang R. and Ma J., "QoS in Mobile IPv6", Proc. 2001 International Conference on Information Technology and Information Networks (ICII'2001), vol. B, pp. 492-497, 30 October - 1 November 2001, Beijing, China
[151] Zhang R. and Ma J., "Congestion Control Using Fuzzy Logic in Differentiated Services Networks", Proc. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA'01), pp. 288-292, 30 October - 1 November, 2001, Yokosuka City, Japan.
[152] Zhang R. and Ma J., "A fuzzy approach to the QoS routing in the next generation networks", Proc. 3Gwireless'2001, 30 May – 2 June, 2001, San Francisco, USA.
[153] Zhang R. and Ma J., "On providing secure and survivable QoS service in the next generation Internet", Proc. NERD'2000, November 2000, Helsinki, Finland.
[154] Zhang R. and Ma J., "A comprehensive mechanism to improve TCP performance by controlling ACKs", Proc. 2000 International Seminar on Teletraffic and networks (ISTN'2000), pp. 165-169,, October 2000, Hangzhou, China.
[155] Zhang R. and Ma J., “On the enhancement of a differentiated services scheme”, Proc. IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium 2000 (NOMS’2000), pp. 975-976, Honolulu, USA, April 2000.
[156] Zhang R. and Ma J., “Fuzzy balance of drop and delay priorities in the differentiated services networks”, Proc. 2000 Systems, Cybernetics and Information, (SCI’2000), pp. 113-118, Orlando FL, USA, July 2000.
[157] Zhang R. and Ma J., “Fuzzy QoS management in Diff-Serv networks”, Proc. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE/SMC’2000), pp. 3752-3757, USA, August 2000
[158] Zhang Y, Zhang R. and Zhu X., “Fuzzy admission control of customers to a three-Workstation queueing network”, Proc. The Third World Congress on Intelligent control and Intelligent Automation, (WCICA’2000, 1441/379), 2000, Hefei, China
[159] Zhang, R. and Phillis, Y. A. and Zhu, X., “Fuzzy Assignment of Customers for a Queueing Network with Heterogeneous Servers”, Proc. of 14th World Congress of International Foundation of Automatic Control (IFAC’99), 1999 .7, pp. 255-259, Beijing, China.
[160] Zhu X. and Zhang, R.,“Fuzzy Routing of Customers to a Queueing Network”, Proc. of 1999 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference(APDS’99), 1999, pp. 595-597, Shanghai, China.
[161] Zhang Y, Zhang R. and Zhu X., “Fuzzy admission control of customers to a three-Workstation queueing network”, Proc. The Third World Congress on Intelligent control and Intelligent Automation, (WCICA’2000, 1441/379), 2000, Hefei, China
[162] Zhang, R. and Zhu, X., “Non-Concavity of the Throughput of a Tandem Queueing System with Respect to the Finite Buffer Storage Spaces in the Presence of Machine Failure”, Proceedings of 15th World Congress of International Foundation of Operations Research (IFORS’99), August, 1999, Beijing, China.
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C. 國內刊物:
[170] 秦燃,張潤彤,“大數據環境下北京產業安全研究”,《經濟視野》,總第196期,第5-6頁,2015年1月。
[171] 張潤彤,吳桐,“大數據環境下北京產業安全的分析”,《經濟視野》,總第195期,第3-5頁,2015年1月。
[172] 李亞,彭海云,尚小溥,張潤彤,“綠色計算背景下的網絡管理研究”,《計算機科學》,第40卷第5期,第85-88頁,2013年5月。
[173] 朱曉敏,耿建東,陳東華,張潤彤,“基于復合元胞自動機的分布式計算模型”,《高技術通訊》,第22卷第9期,第957-963頁,2012年9月。
[174] 楊玲,張潤彤,“商業生態系統視域下的企業動態能力構建”,《中國流通經濟》,第26卷第8期,第68-72頁,2012年8月。
[175] 周珍,周江霞,張景斌,張潤彤,“不同認知方式中學生的空間圖形認知能力發展研究”,《數學教育學報》,第21卷第6期,第42-46頁,2012年第6期。
[176] 周珍,周江霞,張景斌,張潤彤,“ 中學生認知方式對心理折疊能力發展的影響研究”,《數學教育學報》,第21卷第3期,第39-41頁,2012年3月。
[177] 王亮,張潤彤,“現代物流中基于密文集中控制的個人信息保護機制”,《物流技術》,2012年第3期, 第183-185頁,2012年3月。
[178] 王亮,張潤彤,“現代物流中基于密文集中控制的個人信息保護機制”,《物流技術》,2012年第3期,2012年3月。
[179] 王傳臣,張潤彤,“傳統出版與數字出版的供應鏈的對比研究”,《中國流通經濟》,第25卷第12期,第36-40頁,2011 年12月。
[180] 耿建東,方金云,張潤彤,“科技優先領域項目評價體系研究”,《中國基礎科學》,總第13卷第84期,第14-19頁,2011 年第6期。
[181] 李丹丹,張潤彤,王傳臣,肖東坡,“認知網絡中基于蟻群算法的網絡流量預測模型”,《電子學報》,第39卷第10期,第2245-2250頁,2011 年10月。
[182] 朱曉敏,李丹丹,邢婷,張潤彤,“一種基于預測和提前認證的機車越區切換方案”,《鐵道學報》,第39卷第10期,第67-72頁,2011年10月。
[183] 王傳臣, 張潤彤, 李丹丹, 曹峰,“認知網絡中的擁塞規避多徑路由算法”,《電子學報》,第39卷第8期,第1858-1863頁,2011 年8月
[184] 李中天,張潤彤,“一種基于認知網絡的DiffServ流量調節機制”,《計算機應用研究》,第28卷第7期 ,第429-434頁,2011年7月
[185] 袁泉,張潤彤,“物聯網下C2C電子商務的發展研究”,《電子商務》,2011年第05期,第11-13頁,2011年5月
[186] 左方舒,張潤彤,“IM領域電子商務的探究”,《中國電子商務》,2011年第4期,2011年4月
[187] 孫文秀,張潤彤,“基于模糊預測控制的ATP系統建模與仿真”,《系統仿真學報》,第22卷第8期,第1974-1980 頁,2010年8月 。
[188] 王秦,張潤彤,“移動商務身份認證機制的研究”,《物流技術》,第29卷第3-4期,第151-154頁,2010年2月。
[189] 尚小溥,張潤彤,“信息安全:意義、挑戰與策略”,《南京政治學院學報》,第26卷第1期(總第149期),第42-45頁,2010年1月。
[190] 呂希艷, 張潤彤,“淺談SaaS服務模式對中小物流企業信息化的作用”,《物流技術》,2009年第28卷第6期,第126-127頁。2009年9月
[191] 林華,張潤彤,劉達,葉廣輝,“統一集經濟控制機在企業風險管理中的應用”,《北京交通大學學報(社科版)》,2009年第8卷第4期,第68-72頁。
[192] 王秦,張潤彤,楊木,“基于OTP的移動商務身份認證機制設計與研究”,《湖北民族學院學報(自然科學版)》,2009年第27卷第2期,第230-235頁。
[193] 王秦,張潤彤,楊木,“移動應用中ICE算法的設計與實現”,《北京聯合大學學報(自然科學版)》,2009年第23卷第2期,第1-6頁。
[194] 闞志剛,張潤彤,“移動業務和應用的設計與管理”,《計算機工程與科學》,2009年第4期,第146-148頁。
[195] 陳利科,張潤彤,“一種基于動態S-盒P-盒的快速分組密碼算法—DSP”。《計算機科學》,2009年第36卷第2期,第78-81頁。
[196] 陳煒,張潤彤,楊玲,“基于改進粒子群算法的投資組合選擇模型“,《計算機科學》,2009年第36卷第1期,第146-148頁。
[197] 楊木, 張潤彤,“一種基于二維條碼的移動商務一次性口令認證方案”,《計算機工程與科學》,2009年第7期。
[198] 切爾西∙C∙懷特,張潤彤,“供應鏈及物流的發展趨勢及研究方向”,《中國流通經濟》,2008年第22卷第12期,第4-7頁。
[199] 王秦,張潤彤,石聲波,“供應網格 — 網格計算環境下的供應鏈管理”,《物流技術》,2008年第27卷第8期,第157-160頁。
[200] 楊木,張潤彤,楊海樓,“C2C電子商務交易流程優缺點分析及改進”,《商業時代》,2008年第3期,第76-78頁,2008年3月。
[201] 楊木,張潤彤,楊易,“基于OTP的移動商務身份認證方案”,《計算機安全》,2008年第7期,第1-3頁,2008年7月。
[202] 藍天, 張潤彤,“供應鏈知識管理系統研究”,《物流技術》,2008年第27卷第3期,第69-71頁。2008年3月
[203] 鄭豐, 張潤彤, 何凌云, 田志勇,“基于R/S分析法的中國股市分形特征研究”,《北京交通大學學報(社科版)》,第7卷,第1期,第70-74頁,2008年1月
[204] 闞志剛,張潤彤,“移動增值業務集成運營環境的設計”,《移動通訊》,第31卷,第9期,總第211期,第84-88頁,2007年9月。
[205] 汪思源,楊陽,張潤彤,邵誠,“基于規劃過渡過程的實用智能控制研究”,《石油化工高等學校學報》,第20卷第3期,第92-96頁,2007年9月。
[206] 石聲波,張潤彤,樊寧,“網格計算環境下的虛擬組織管理模型研究”,《北京交通大學學報》,第6卷,第3期,總第21期,第64-68頁,2007年9月。
[207] 石聲波,張潤彤,樊寧,“供應網格 — 網格計算環境下的供應鏈管理”,《物流技術》,2007年第26卷第4期,第76-79頁。
[208] 陳煒,張潤彤,楊玲,“存在融資條件下證券組合選擇的一種模糊決策方法”,《北京交大學學報》,第6卷,第1期,總第19期,第67-70頁,2007年3月。
[209] 張潤彤,樊寧,張偉軍,“LEO衛星環境下的SNACKTCP性能分析” ,《計算機學報》,第30卷,第2期,第297-304頁,2007年2月。
[210] 倫墨華,張潤彤,“移動CRM,移動商務時代旅游企業制勝的法寶”,《科技資訊》,2006年第5期(總第26期),第153-154頁
[211] 樊寧,張潤彤,蘇安洋,“企業信息化對企業管理影響的研究”,《科技信息》,2006年第7期(總第201期),第96-98頁
[212] 呂希艷、張潤彤,“基于面向服務架構的企業信息資源整合”,《中國科技論壇》,2006年第二期,第103-105頁,2006年2月。
[213] 戴宏、張潤彤、藍天,“基于代理的城市交通信息網格服務系統”,《ITS通訊》,Vol.7, No.4,第45-47頁,2005年4月。
[214] 姜峰、張潤彤,“基于RTT的集成計算環境在現代物流貨運業中的應用研究”,《物流科技》, Vol.27, No.12,第7-10頁,2004年12月。
[215] 蔡海宏、張潤彤,“網格時代企業的盈利模式”,《計算機世界》, 2004年6月。
[216] 文一、張潤彤、蔡海宏,“關于防范經銷商資信風險的探討”,《北京交通大學學報(社會科學版)》, Vol.3, No.2,第65-67頁,2004年2月。
[217] 邱峰、張潤彤,“現代企業文化探尋”,《內蒙古科技與經濟》,2004年第8期,第41-42頁, 2004年4月。
[218] 龍茂雄,張潤彤,“電子政務與政府行政流程再造”,《北京航空航天大學學報》(社會科學版),第16卷,第2期, 2003年4月
[219] 龍茂雄,張潤彤,“流程再造是電子政務繞不過的門檻”,《電子政務》,2004年第2期,第119頁
[220] 王茜,隆克平,程時端,張潤彤,“區分服務網絡的協作可調整RED算法”,《電子與信息學報》,第25卷第2期,第158-163頁, 2003年2月。
[221] 龍茂雄,張潤彤,“電子政務與政府辦公流程再造”,《國防科技工業》,2003.2
[222] 鄔海濤,隆克平,程時端,張潤彤, “區分服務網絡中的TCP友好公平體系”,《電子與信息學報》,第24卷第11期,第1559-1565頁, 2002年11月
[223] 王茜,隆克平,程時端,樂輝華,張潤彤,“兩色標記器的協作可調整RED算法”,《北京郵電大學學報》,第25卷第3期,第7-11頁,2002年9月
[224] 王茜, 隆克平, 程時端, 馬建, 張潤彤, “一種用于流控和資源管理的區分業務Fast-TCP機制”,《電子與信息學報》,2002年第6期,第726-734頁,2002年6月
[225] 王茜,隆克平,程時端,張潤彤,“Internet網絡的TCP友好控制機制”,《計算機科學報》,第29卷第3期,第54-56頁,2002年3月。
[226] 隆克平,白剛, 程時端, 陳俊亮,張潤彤, “區分業務結構及其TCP性能分析”,《電子學報》,2001年第11期,第1540-1545頁,2001年11月。
[227] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在排隊網絡中對到達顧客的模糊調度”,《遼寧工程技術大學學報(自然科學版)》,第20卷,第5期,第682-685頁,2001年10月。
[228] 張潤彤,“電子商務系統的技術集成”《信息安全與通信保密》,2001年第2期,第48-51頁,2001年2月。
[229] 周文勇,張潤彤,“基于供應鏈的虛擬企業”《市場與電腦》,2000年第8期,第33-35頁,2000年8月。
[230] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,“用模糊邏輯的方法解決串聯排隊網絡的流量控制問題”,《自動化學報》,2000年第2期,第192-198頁,2000年2月。
[231] 張潤彤,陳惠娟,“人工智能技術在計算機網絡中的應用”, 《互聯網世界》,2000年第1期,2000年1月,第64-67頁。
[232] 蔣淞卿,張潤彤,“論數據倉庫與決策支持系統的關系”《市場與電腦》2000年第4期,2000年4月。
[233] 魏學業,張潤彤,朱曉敏,“在一個二階排隊網絡中對兩類不同顧客的的模糊控制”《系統工程理論與實踐》,2000年第8期,,第45-49頁,2000年8月。
[234] 張潤彤,朱曉敏, “在(無服務費用的)串聯排隊網絡中對兩組不同到達顧客的模糊控制”《北方交通大學學報》,2000年第3期,2000年6月,第29-34頁。
[235] 張潤彤,朱曉敏, “在(有服務費用的)串聯排隊網絡中對兩組不同到達顧客的模糊控制”《北方交通大學學報》,2000年第6期,2000年12月,第97-102頁。
[236] 張鐸、周建勤、王雪松、張潤彤、劉景宇,“電子商務網絡與多媒體教學系列”的研發與應用”,《高等教育研究》,第51期,第44-49頁,2000年3月
[237] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,“論電子文件管理及技術”,《中國信息導報》,1999年第七期,1999年7月,第24-27頁。
[238] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,張鐸,“電子商務系統的效益及運行狀況評估(上)”,《互聯網世界》,1999年第四期,第33-35頁。
[239] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,張鐸,“電子商務系統的效益及運行狀況評估(下)”,《互聯網世界》,1999年第五期,第33-34頁。
[240] 張潤彤,“論電子商務的安全保障”,《互聯網世界》,1999年第七期,1999年7月。
[241] 張潤彤,朱曉敏, “希臘高等教育的特點及啟示”《高等教育研究》,1999年第2期,第6-10頁。
[242] 張潤彤,“電子商務的安全技術及協議”,《市場與電腦》,1999年第5期,第44-48頁。
[243] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在生產網絡中對工件的模糊調整”,《工業工程與管理》,1999年第六期(12月),42-45頁。
[244] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在排隊網絡中對顧客的模糊控制”《系統工程理論方法應用》,1999年第2期,第40-43頁。
[245] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“西方經濟學課程的英語教學研究”《高等教育研究》,1998年第4期,第15-18頁。
[246] 張潤彤,“阻燃苫布在港口的應用”《天津消防》,1990年第2期,第23-25頁。
[247] 張潤彤,“試論阻燃苫布在港口的應用”《天津港口》,1989年第5期,第33-34頁。
[248] 張潤彤,“對企業中青年大學生管理的思考”《天津港口》,1988年第4期,第34-37頁。
D. 國內會議論文集:
[249] 張潤彤,周陽,“拔尖博士人才創新能力培養模式研究”,《創新人才培養模式 培養拔尖創新人才》,第250-255頁,北京交通大學出版社,2015年8月。
[250] 秦燃,張潤彤,“基于科研課題提高大學生創新能力”,《創新人才培養模式 培養拔尖創新人才》,北京交通大學出版社,第245-249頁,2015年8月。
[251] 張潤彤,劉世峰,邵麗萍,常丹,“基于智能化綜合教學平臺的經管類創新人才培養模式研究”,《建設特色鮮明世界一流大學人才培養的探索與實踐——北京交通大學本科教學研究論文集(下冊)》,北京交通大學出版社,第952-956頁,2014年5月。
[252] 張潤彤,袁泉“國家級科研項目同大學生創新創業訓練計劃的融合研究”,《建設特色鮮明世界一流大學人才培養的探索與實踐——北京交通大學本科教學研究論文集(下冊)》,第932-936頁,北京交通大學版社,2014年5月。
[253] 常丹,張潤彤,“面向應用的‘CPS’教學模式構建研究”,《創新育人機制 提升人才培養質量——北京交通大學教學改革研究與實踐(上冊)》,第655-663頁,北京交通大學出版社,2014年5月。
[254] 尚小溥,陳東華,朱曉敏,周陽,張潤彤,“異構環境下的社會感知移動應用整合技術[OL]”,《中國科技論文在線》,[2013-10-08],http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201310-73
[255] 周荃,張潤彤,陳會生,華蕊,“LW-TCP/IPv6: 一種適用于全IP無線傳感器網絡的輕便TCP/IPv6協議棧[OL]”,《中國科技論文在線》,[2013-04-08], http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201304-168
[256] 張潤彤,“對經管類電子商務課程開放式教學模式的思考與探討”,《創新育人機制 提升人才培養質量——北京交通大學教學改革研究與實踐》,第115-118頁,電子工業出版社,2012年8月。
[257] 李靜, 張潤彤, 呂希艷,朱兵, 郭春芳,“對經管類電子商務課程開放式教學模式的思考與探討”,《高水平行業特色大學拔尖創新人才培養的探索與實踐——北京交通大學本科教學研究論文集(2011)》,第184-189頁,北京交通大學出版社,2012年4月。
[258] 張潤彤,黃磊,邵麗萍,呂希艷,常丹,“創建具有國際化與實踐、創新、創業能力的信息管理類專業人才培養模式”,《多視角下的經濟管理人才培養模式研究》,電子工業出版社,第14-23頁,2009年6月
[259] 張潤彤,呂希艷,朱兵,郭春芳,李靜,“集中優勢資源,建設電子商務精品課程”,《多視角下的經濟管理人才培養模式研究》,電子工業出版社,第144-147頁,2009年6月
[260] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“高等學校管理科學與工程學科教學改革研究”,《高等學校信息管理與信息系統專業核心論壇論文集》,電子工業出版社,第314-319頁,2009年1月
[261] 汪思源,王棟,邵誠,張潤彤,“供熱鍋爐控制決策管理系統的研究”,《第二十六屆中國控制會議論文集》,北京航空航天大學出版社,張家界,2007年7月
[262] 戴宏、張潤彤、藍天,“基于代理的城市交通信息網格服務系統”,可持續發展的中國交通 — 2005全國博士生學術論壇論文集; 第819-822頁,中國鐵道出版社,2005年7月
[263] 林華、葉廣輝、張潤彤,“統一集經濟控制機”,第23屆中國控制會議論文集,華東理工大學出版社,2004年8月
[264] 張潤彤,朱曉敏,“雙輸入串聯排隊網絡的模糊流量控制”,1999中國控制與決策學術年會論文集,第565-570頁,南京,東北大學出版社,1999年5月。
[265] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在有三個工作站的排隊網絡中對顧客準入的模糊控制”第五屆全國青年管理科學與系統科學學術研討會(MJPMS’5)論文集,1999年9月,天津
[266] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在有并聯服務員的排隊網絡中對多種類顧客的模糊控制”第三屆中國青年運籌與管理學者大會(ORM’99)論文集,190-196頁,1999年8月,高等教育出版社,北京。
[267] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“多媒體技術在客戶服務管理網絡系統中的應用”第七屆全國多媒體技術學術會議(NCMT’98)論文集,1998年10月,403-407頁,長沙。
[268] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“希臘高等教育淺析”,《中國高等教育管理研究會第五屆學術年會論文集》,廈門,1998年。
[269] 朱曉敏,張潤彤,“在存有異型服務員的排隊網絡中對顧客的動態模糊安置”1998年中國智能自動化學術會議(CIAC’98)論文集,1998年5月,490-495頁,上海。
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出任2014年7月在美國伯克利召開的4th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS'2014)大會總主席
出任2014年7月在美國伯克利召開的1st International Conference on Industry Economics and Industry Security (IEIS'2014)大會總主席
出任2015年7月在西班牙巴塞羅那召開的5th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS'2015)大會總主席
出任2015年7月在西班牙巴塞羅那召開的2nd International Conference on Industry Economics and Industry Security (IEIS'2015)大會總主席